by Nicholas | First, you see, there was a report setting forth allegations concerning Palin which, IF TRUE, would demonstrate that she holds attitudes which even the GOP (well, most of them) would consider unacceptable in a VP.
But is the report true? Personally, I would need more and harder evidence to feel sure enough even to suggest that it might be true. I've no way to assess the credibility of the people who repeated the statements imputed to Palin.
And here at IDLYE, we assume that if these reported "whisperings" have any basis in fact, further evidence will be forthcoming. If not, we don't want any part of it.
There are actually already enough Palin negatives (e.g., here, here, here, here) to scare off anyone except the hardcore wingnuts and the evangelical Christians. Even my wife's 80 year old Republican mother in South Carolina thinks the Palin pick was "wacky."
But GOP timeserver Michelle Malkin couldn't just dismiss the piece with an airy wave. She went into full-on panicky bug-eyed mode. Here's the nutshell version:
"Groundless left-wing smears circulating among moonbats! Laughable! Untrue! Ludicrous! Hahahahahaha, the real racists are the Lefty Moonbats! PASS IT ON!"