by Damozel | I read Sexual Personae Vol. 1 in---what was it? 1992? A LONG time ago, anyway---and I really enjoyed it. I love reading other people's literary hallucinations, even when I don't buy into them, and Paglia's hypnotic hyper-visual prose style is exceedingly well suited to the discussion of painting and literature.
Though I couldn't agree less with her fundamental premises, I enjoyed reading her strange and wondrous reframings of my favorite works of art and literature. It was like looking at, through a glass, and darkly. Some of her eerier interpretations (on Sade, on Blake, on Baudelaire, on Coleridge on Swinburne) are forever seared upon my memory, not necessarily in a good way or in accordance with my wishes.
So I wish she hadn't ruined it all for me by trying to get herself positioned as some sort of cultural (including popular culture) arbiter. Not satisfied with being a critic and commentator, she wanted to be Ye Supreme Arbiter of American Popular Culture.