by Blue Stockings | The ones who don't go on the internet really may not know their own. Quite a lot of voters simply dismiss the "Obama is, or at some time, may have been associating with a known terrorist" [now a university professor] attack ads. A Fox poll says 2/3 of voters say that the Ayers business makes no difference to their votes.
Just to hammer home the point, though, there’s one more poll that McCain should really take a look at. It says that two thirds of voters just don’t care about the Ayers story, and it’s not influencing their vote. The remaining third are Republicans who wouldn’t vote for Obama anyway. The poll was put out by Fox News.
I can’t think of any other way to get the point through McCain’s
head; people could care less, they want to hear talk on the economy! (Comments from Left Field)
It's what I'll call, because I'm an elitist, the lower third---the hard 'n crazy core---who are scaring sane people, including Republicans. Among the lower third, the level of rage is getting scary.
Videos taken of people heading into McCain-Palin rallies have shown
individuals who label Barack Obama as a terrorist, a communist and a
threat to the well-being of the country. At a town hall meeting in
Wisconsin on Thursday, several attendees urged the Republican nominee
to attack his opponent on the Ayers issue and Reverend Jeremiah Wright,
who McCain himself has said should be off limits.
The rabid nature of the scene has startled longtime political observers and even former associates of McCain himself. (Sam Stein)