Basically it appears that Prager thinks that individual members of
minority groups should apologize for the bad things that other members
of that group did which forced the majority to enact discriminatory
laws against the entire minority group and then feel vaguely guilty
years later for doing so....
...which are, of course, in completely different coloring books. Meanwhile, the Left just laughs the bitter laughter of adults who have seen it all before because OF COURSE everyone knew it was coming, even though it is all so stupid, so stupid and transparent, so stupid and transparent and bogus, and yet full of wingnutty media-fuelled portentousness and pomposity.
But the fall of the Illinois Democrat---while pleasing to those of us who like our government corruption free--does its part to wilt the petals in our winner's bouquet and we haven't even had the inaugural ball yet.
Suddenly, it's our problem and only our problem. They'll just stand on the sidelines and jeer. If they had any constructive ideas, or anything like a solution, we'd have heard them back when it mattered.
Ain’t it just curious now with the NeoCon and Republican roaches braving the light of day, that all of a sudden they profess concern about, oh, food quality, health items, housing, jobs...ethics...etc.?
At The Left Coaster, Paradox
has put up a post arguing that
it's time for a little less detachment about the impending Depression [see The Agonist]
and a little more thought about the damage that's already been done, and being done, and the suffering that's already started.
As they're
big on displacement, whenever some atrocity occurs wingers accuse
liberals of showing insufficient outrage. It's not so much a policy
prescription as an accusation of psychological unfitness because,
though we agree that we would rather kill terrorists than let them kill
us, we don't express it in blood-curdling howls...
Bark Bark Woof Woof woofs about this glorious waste of taxpayer dollars in the interests of settling once and for all a "worrying" "issue":
The United States Supreme Court is going to decide
whether or not to hear a case claiming that Barack Obama is not a U.S.
citizen and therefore ineligible to serve as President of the United
Remember back in the day when we only got to hear the tapes with the expletives deleted?
But we always knew there would be more and now they're here! For the best round-up of Nixonian quotables for the aspiring Republican pol, see Amygdala. The thing about Nixon you have to
like---if, that is, you subsequently lived through Reagan and Bush---is
that he didn't bother to conceal his ruthlessness or cynicism under a genial mask
or a crimp-browed chimp-like smirk of good-natured puzzlement.
In his interview with his sister, Bush discussed how he wishes to be remembered. If he were someone else, I'd find the hopes he confides rather touching. But he's Bush and I find the whole thing disturbing and embarrassing and distressing in light of the, you know, FACTS.
Give the man this. At least he didn't say he wants to be remembered as a man who left the world a little better than he found it. (He might have implied it, but he didn't actually say it.)
They---i.e., those in charge of declarations---have at last declared a recession! It's official! Huzzah! And to celebrate, and to ensure that there's plenty of shredded ticker-tape for the parade, the Dow plunged 680 points.
(There had better be a parade, after they made us wait all this time.)
As The Heretik deadpans---click for satisfyingly mordant artwork---"it always feels better when official types feel what we have been feeling for awhile."
The mob mentality is a really funny thing. You see it at political
rallies and old Universal horror films where the townsfolk are whipped
up into a frenzy and storm the castle with pitchforks and torches. But shopping?
This is especially indefensible when you stop to think that the same
items are going to be available for the next month. Yes, you might save
a few bucks, but is that really worth all this?....
Oh, Zeppo. Can you say "$600 plasma screen TV's"? How about "Doorbuster Specials"?
Nutshell version: "Only patriotism, endless global warfare, racial profiling, and punishing the innocent along with the guilty, can save us from global jihad."
Though probably you will prefer TBogg's "shorter":
If you hadn't just lived through 8 years of Bush and Cheney, you wouldn't believe this could be possible.
Since you just have, your outrage and incredulity meters shorted out a long time ago and there's nothing left of them but a few busted springs going boingy-boingy-boingy 24/7. You'll probably just say, "Huh." So I'm noting this for later, when we've all had our sense of moral outrage restored at least to pre-Katrina levels.
Bill O’Reilly, as you may recall, doesn’t believe that any homeless veterans
exist in this country as a result of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Now this may seem to contradict observable reality, but you have to
remember, this is Bill’s opinion, which is worth millions of
dollars a year to FoxNews, thus making it one of the finest opinions
that money can buy.
The reason we started this blog is that when we read something like this ourselves, we can't think of anything to say. As Roy Edroso says:
It's like that scene in Post Office
where Bukowski's finally had enough of that co-worker who's always
muttering insults, and wheels on him only to realize that the guy is
lost in a private fog and has no awareness of him or anything else
around him. It takes a lot of the fight out of you.