by Teh Nutroots | Right. I wasn't going to touch this. But the Far Right's Finest weren't going to let it go. I realise that most of them are stressed out from being betrayed by reality. They've lost their bearings in the face of the coming realignment. They're clinging to their guns and the Rovian Republican Jesus. They're bitter and shit-scared anticipating the final ass-kicking humiliation that's to come when all they stand for is kicked to the curb by the economic meltdown and the next election. And after that, the slide into irrelevance.
It's kinder just to pretend not to notice.
But there are some lines nobody ought to cross.
It started with an article in The National Enquirer. I won't quote from it---read it yourself if you want more---but it's easy to summarise.
Shorter National Enquirer (via Memeorandum);
So it seems that Obama's childhood friend and "mentor"---introduced to Barack when Barack was 10, or two years older than when Ayers was doing his terrorism thing--- is an admitted sexual deviant who molested children and practiced bondage.
Draw your own conclusions.
The Right's Finest rushed right in. Want to know what they had to say?