Suddenly, it's our problem and only our problem. They'll just stand on the sidelines and jeer. If they had any constructive ideas, or anything like a solution, we'd have heard them back when it mattered.
From Father Tyme at BlondeSense:
Yes, Obama really better pay attention to these and many more maturing crises that the NeoCons and Republicans somehow ignored during their reign of power. Yup! We better fix these things that they screwed up or the really stupid people out there will blame the Democrats and reinstall the same ones who brought us this mess! (Not that the Republicans will inform the masses that it was they who trampled Rome....)
Dept of Valedictions: Rove Plans to Call Out Bush Haters in His New Book; PLUS!! Bonus Harry Shearer Music Video ("Rove" Sings "Turd Blossom Special")
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Attack of the Blue Meanies (Mean Progressive Blogger Round-Up)
The Economic Crisis: A Tragedy for Those Who Feel
Imagining (& Reimagining) Hillary: Also: The Favreau Facebook Incident
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