So...we can all stop worrying. Santa Claus WILL come down your chimney as usual with his bag full of toys for your kids and a new job and a new mortgage for you! There WILL be presents under your tree and a turkey dinner (with razzleberry dressing) on your table!
Would Papa Bear or Karl Rove misrepresent the facts?
Think Progress has thoughtfully published a transcript:
O’REILLY: OK, now the economy. Do you agree with me that the media is not-the economy, but Afghanistan and Iraq and every other problem the United States has spinning as negative as possible now so that they can buy Barack Obama some time and set up a thing where if anything goes right after he becomes president, they can jump on it.
ROVE: Yes.
O’REILLY: And then they can blame everything on Bush for quite a long period of time?
ROVE: You know, it’s interesting to me, this question of proportionality and consistency. I wanted to take you and your viewers back to March of 2000 when the stock market peaked out. We had a 38 percent decline in the Dow Jones. We had a 50 percent decline in the S P 500. And we had a 78 percent decline in the Nasdaq before the markets bottomed out.
Now, I don’t remember The New York Times or the national or The Washington Post or some of these national news organizations treating the precipitous decline in the markets under Clinton with the scare words that they’re using today. Similarly look, and I don’t want to diminish the challenges we face, particularly when it comes to unemployment. If you don’t have a job, it’s 100% unemployment rate for you. But the unemployment rate today was at certain times during Clinton and in most of Carter time in office higher. And, yet, we don’t see the similar scare tactics and the similar phrases and words out of the n ational media about these Democrats as we hear about the current situation.
O’REILLY: All right, so you are agreeing with me then that there is a conscious effort on the part of The New York Times and other liberal media to basically paint as drastic a picture as possible, so that when Barack Obama takes office that anything is better than what we have now?
ROVE: Yes. And watch their words when they describe the steps that he wants to take. I noticed again this past weekend, he described this enormous program of spending on infrastructure, on roads and highways and improvements in our infrastructure. And watch how they treat this when he comes into office if he actually pursues this package. And you’ll see very few of them raising serious questions about what kind of stimulative effect it really is going to have, because what we do know is on these kind of big projects, only one out of every four dollars that’s appropriated for them gets spent in the first year. The rest of it gets spent in the out year. So these are not going to have an immediate impact. And let’s see how tough they treat him on this and how much they hold him up to scrutiny.
O’REILLY: Now you know how that’s going to come down, Mr. Rove.
See? "Not drastic"! So turn that frown upside down! Bill O'Reilly, Karl Rove, and Peggy Noonan are still employed, which in a rational world would mean that those of us who do really useful or productive work are too! It's all just a horrible dream!
So stop whining about the recession, you whiners! Close your eyes, click your heels together, and say, "I want to go home" and you and your whole family will wake up in that house the bank just foreclosed on.
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Dept of Valedictions: Bush and the Plutocrats ("There Goes the Neighborhood")
The Pointlessness of Religionizing Politics
The Department of Valedictions Daily Show Threefer (Dec. 2006): When Bush Was in "Listening Mode" About Iraq
Uh huh. So the media is trying to make the economic look worse than it is so that Obama looks good.
I thought that Bushco wanted the economic crash-and-burn to happen AFTER January 20 so that Obama looks bad. The Republicans love to blame economic problems on those g*****m liberal Democrats.
Posted by: offog | December 19, 2008 at 06:48 PM
Uh huh. So the media is trying to make the economic look worse than it is so that Obama looks good.
I thought that Bushco wanted the economic crash-and-burn to happen AFTER January 20 so that Obama looks bad. The Republicans love to blame economic problems on those g*****m liberal Democrats.
Posted by: offog | December 19, 2008 at 06:48 PM