With Judicial Watch on the case, can anything save Hillary now? BZZZZZZT! She's out---and on a technicality!
Gawker has the nutshell version of the underlying law. ABOVE WHICH NO ONE, NOT EVEN HILLARY CLINTON, IS!!
No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time.
"Emoluments" is an old-tymey Constitution word for "scrill." And hey, wouldn't you know, between Clinton's 2006 reelection and now, the salary for Secretary of State went up to $191,300! (Gawker)
Um, yeah.
Clinton flack Philippe Reines' response is pretty choice: "This is a Harvard Law grad nominating a Yale Law grad here, so all parties involved have been cognizant of this issue from the outset."(Gawker)
“It’s been dealt with each and every time,” said Jim Manley, spokesman for [Harry] Reid. “We’re confident it can be dealt with this time.” Mr. Manley said it was unclear whether the measure could be passed during a lame-duck session next week. “We’re trying to work on this as quickly as possible,” he said. (The Caucus)
Needless to say, Judicial Watch has already thought of this and denies that any action whatso-effing-ever can ever make Hillary eligible.
BUT as Reines further remarked:
Wonkette filed this one under "Dipshits on Parade."
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The Clinton's are masterful at dodge ball. Obama owes her for support of SR 511 and her nominations to SOS is payback. Maybe he will dismiss her on these grounds and be done with her once and for all.
Posted by: Ahrcanum | December 05, 2008 at 08:13 PM