So mean. No wonder the wingnuts moan, rage, and clutch their pearls.
Betty Cracker :Big three auto company CEOs to receive $1 per year more than they're worth." Like the Blue Meanie she is, she wants to kick their sorry asses to the curb.
They sucked last year when they received annual compensation ranging from $14M to $21M. Some of them having been stinking up Detroit for more than 10 years, pumping out gas guzzlers and generally shitty cars in the face of looming fuel shortages and competitive forces we’ve known about for decades. They did nothing to address vital issues then, and there’s no reason to believe they’ll be more prescient and competent with a drastic salary reduction.
I could offer to teach calculus for $10 bucks an hour, and any university that hired me would save a shitload in personnel costs. But since I struggle to calculate a 20% tip in my head, it would be a poor bargain. Same thing here. Ford, GM and Chrysler need to kick these bastards to the curb. Then come talk to me about sticking their feedstaw in my wallet.
Oliver Willis doesn't believe in the Recession. Sweet Jesus: Forget Republican Recession, Hello Republican Depression, he says. And asks:
Let's ask Santa! He's never delivered on the World Peace thing we keep asking for; maybe we can obtain this relatively smaller boon in its stead.
Speaking of Santa, P.Z. Myers thinks maybe someone should let Bill O'Reilly know about the real perpetrators of the War on Christmas.
Although…should I get my wife the "Men on a Mission" calendar? [those shopping for kitsch, click here for the link!]
Gov. Bobby Jindal is heading to Texas to fetch a pail of money at a few little private events. Ah, but who will he be seeing there? He doesn't like to say. Right Wing Watch reports:
Speaking of Texas, it seems that Bush's posh and exclusive new neighborhood apparently had until 8 years ago a rather special rule regarding African-American presence on their streets or sidewalks.
The first time we read the second sentence we thought it said "His new neighbors are also afraid the beloved Dear Leader will bring the Bush riff raff in."
And we thought, "Fair enough." We could see the point of that. Would you want to look out of your window and see Alberto Gonzalez, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, and countless other Bush minions lounging round the pool?
Attaturk on Bush's new Residence:
So, 8,500 square feet for a pair of empty-nesters, about five times larger than a typical American home -- and a wet bar -- humble man o' the people indeed.The President and Laura Bush will move to a sprawling 8,501-square-foot house in an ultra-chic North Dallas enclave next year...Built in 1959 and recently renovated, the home boasts 1.13 acres, four bedrooms, 4-1/2 baths, a wet bar and a separate servants' quarters
The Rude Pundit discusses Rick Warren's recent FoxNews appearance.
As Tubby preached, "Believe me: if you didn't need one, God wouldn't have sent it. Because — because he wouldn't have wasted the time. And Jesus meets every one of our deepest needs. And what we need to do is accept his gift of a pastor-given, purposeful living home in heaven."...
When (to a lesser extent) Colmes asked the obvious question of what about other religions, Tubby the Preacher had a ready answer: "I believe Jesus Christ came for everybody....I don't care whether you're Baptist, Buddhist, Mormon, Methodist, Jewish, Muslim, or no religion at all. Jesus Christ still loves you. You still matter to God." Tubby, though, would not commit on whether or not you need to "unwrap the gift" of Jesus in order to get into the big cloud city. In other words, you matter, but not enough to get into his gated community....
And then Tubby said it's okay to assassinate leaders who we see as evil: "In fact, that is the legitimate role of government. The Bible says that God puts government on earth to punish evildoers. Not good-doers. Evildoers." Just like Jesus did. (Man, isn't it awesome when people like Tubby, who talk about getting a reacharound of love from Jesus to make people feel good about themselves, get all Old Testament when it comes to politics?)
Blogenfreude asks, How Would Jesus Drive?
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the average Palin supporter:
A speeding truck rammed a woman’s sedan at over 100 MPH on a Texas freeway last Friday. Why? According to the Archangel Gabriel/ Michael E. Schwab, a resident of Blooming Grove, Texas, the woman “was not driving like a Christian.”
What - she wasn’t signaling in tongues?
To turn our attention to another GOPper we wish would go away, These Bastards have a post about Mary Beth Buchanan, the US attorney who is saying "no" to the convention of turning in her badge (or whatever they get) when the new administration comes in.
It turns out that Matthew knows all about her.
What horrible shit must she have in the pipeline that she needs to stick around to keep going forward? Does the Pittsburgh office have that good a cafeteria? Want to screw Cyril Wecht even harder this term? Or you just want Barack to fire you, so you can do a quick tour around the Hannity/Limbaugh grapefruit league screeching about the Obama attorney firing scandal?
Eh, Obama never gets anything right these days, now that he's NOT IN OFFICE YET. At The Smirking Chimp, Ed Naha remarks:
Remember the good old days, like a month ago, when Obama was seen as the bringer of hope? These days, according to the pundit pooh-poohers and the blogger banshees, the guy can't do anything right.
He talks too much. He's not saying enough. He's not doing enough. He's hogging the spotlight. He's not strong enough. And, forget about his Cabinet-to-be. It's not liberal enough. It's too Republican. It's not Republican enough. There's only one Hispanic and, of course, it's the one that Chinese-Americans don't like. Clinton's too risky. Gates is a Bush mole. There are too many old faces. Where are the new ideas? Where's Howard Dean? Where's Wesley Clark? Where's Dennis Kucinich? Where's Michael Moore? Where's Waldo?
Not too bad, considering the guy can't legally even order a tuna melt at the White House for another six weeks and change.
Dept of Valedictions: Let's All Give Outgoing Bush Some Credit and Make Those Popularity Levels Soar!
Snark O' the Day: Christmas Comes Early for the Constitution (The Talking Dog)
Peggy Noonan: "At Least Bush Kept Us Safe" (A Wall Street Christmas Carol)
Prop 8: The Musical
Why Do the Wingnuts Rage?
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