Wonkette and Princess Sparkle Pony are all over this one. Princess Sparkle Pony has courtroom drawings! And says:
The Garlic has the best representations of the Blago 'do as we know it.
Meanwhile, also via a jeering Wonkette, The Chicago Sun-Times is deconstructing Blago's hair. What does it mean? What does it signify? What is Blago's hair trying to say to us?
"Gov's chestnut mane might be sign of narcissistic personality disorder, psychologists say."
Gov. Blagojevich's glossy locks -- perfectly sculpted in rain or snow -- may be an indication of a sickness beneath his scalp, said one local psychologist.
"It's all part of managing his image, managing his image of being without a blemish, without a flaw," said Scott Ambers, who has practiced clinical psychology in the city for more than two decades.
Several psychologists interviewed one day after the governor's arrest agreed that he might be suffering from an affliction known as narcissistic personality disorder.
"This grandiose sense of self . . . doesn't carry the implication that [Blagojevich] is a raving lunatic, crazy and out of touch with reality, but it does suggest he has a really overinflated view of his own importance," Ambers said....
"I think he felt a certain kind of immunity," Ambers said. "It's part of the grandiosity -- 'They are not going to be able to punish me because I'm above the law, I'm smarter, I will outfox them.' "
Finally, read Glengarry Rod Blagojevich at Salon.
- Olbermann: They're All the Worst Person in the World
- Bill Ayers on "Hardball"
- Jon Swift on Derrierism, the Sensible Conservative's Answer to "Hollyweird"
- Ride the Wayback Pony: The 10 Worst Prognostications of 2008
- The Daily Show: Blagojevich--What Isn't He Being Charged With?
- Snark O' the Day: IOZ & Larison Dis Camille Paglia, Raising a Question that Begs an Answer
- Dept of Needful Diversions: You're Probably Fed up with the Blagojevich Scandal, So Check Out the Hamster on a Piano, Eating Popcorn
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