by Teh Nutroots | I haven't had the stomach to deal with this visual roster of conservative females, so offensive to decency and reason it actually burns.
PSP comments on the Photoshop resources required to create these multiple visions of the apocalypse and the Nightmare-Life-in-Death.
As he says, it took some drastic photoshopping to create the "glamour"---which I use provisionally in the sense of a ruse or false face.
TBogg, who knows something about production values, says:
I am appalled by the Pretty In Mink glamour shots.
Honestly, I'm not offended by the use of fur so much as the sheer crapitude of the make-up artistry and photography. Don't even get me started on the poses. I realize you have to photograph the conservative women you have, not the conservative women you wish you had, but Sweet f/Stop Jesus, these are just awful. They could have improved the quality and saved some money by having the make-up done for free at a MAC store and then wandered down the mall to a Glamour Shots. Worst of all is realizing that these were the best of the best.
To be fair there are a few good shots as evidenced by the fact that Ann Coulter came in third in our Guess the Transvestite! poll. A glass half-full moment if there ever was one...
Watertiger at Firedoglake wondered, as I do, why K-Lo wasn't included. With all that photoshopping....oh never mind.
Larisa Alexandrovna has what I'd call the definitive extended treatment of this collection of "Shock and Awe Barbie dolls", as she calls them, complete with contrasting photoshopped and real bios.
I suppose it's a fitting valedictory to these beasts in other beasts' clothing as they sink into irrelevance.
On of her commenters speaks for me.
Good night, ladies. We're going to leave you now.
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