by Blue Stockings | Doubtful. Amazing the powers people attribute to Hillary, who didn't even beat Obama the first time.
The Mahablog discusses the gloomy forebodings of Clinton-averse right-wingers.
[T]his morning they were talking about how so many of Barack Obama’s cabinet choices are old Clinton hands. It’s going to be the Clinton Administration all over again, one patient said, gloomily.
I let that comment swish around in my mind awhile, wondering if this individual has noticed that the past eight years have been a lot worse than the Clinton Administration. But since then I’ve heard a couple of bobbleheads on television say the same thing. Tweety Matthews in particular seems certain that alleged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will take over the administration and run the world from her office in the State Department.
I doubt this will happen. I think if there’s one thing we’ve seen about Barack Obama during his campaign, is that he’s the guy in charge. And Obama appears to be a guy who can get everyone on his team moving as a team toward a common goal. No hotdogging. I think he’s picking strong people for cabinet positions with the expectation that they will be effective agents of his policies. Secretary of State Clinton will not be a free agent.
It's so stupid and this is so true. I don't mind that right wingers are filled with fear and revulsion---as my coblogger says, ha bloody ha---but it really bothers me that some liberals have hung onto their Clinton derangement syndrome. She's been appointed SoS because Obama beat her. Jesus.
What do these people think will happen if Clinton doesn't play it Obama's way?
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