by Damozel | Okay, everyone's read about Joe the No Show and has seen this:
But we thought Ambinder's poetic tribute was a whole ship full of awesome, and maybe you didn't see that:
"Joe's with us today,"
Joe. Where are ya? Where is Joe?
Is Joe here with us?
Sadly, he has now been called out by Progressive Accountability---rightly---for calling it a haiku when it is NOT a haiku.
CLAIM - Marc Ambinder Claims He Has Written a Haiku
FACT - A Haiku is 5-7-5, Ambinder dangerously misleads the American people by writing a "Haiku" that is 6-7-5.
Statement - "With only five days until the election this misuse of Japanese poetry could unravel the very fabric of American democracy. We immediately demand that the first line be amended to "Joe's with us today" to comply with the use of syllables that the American people deserve and expect from The Atlantic."
I suggest these changes:
Joe? Where did you go?
Joe.Where are ya? Where is Joe?
Is Joe here with us?
I think this is even more plangent than the original.
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