by Teh Nutroots & The Puppet Mistress | Today we implement what we hope will be a regular feature: a round-up of bloggers who hate teh stupid as much as we do.
At Balloon Juice, John Cole:
Wise People Suck. At Saddleback, John McCain named John Lewis as one of the "wise men" on whom he'd rely during his Administration. Now this wise man has a few wise words about the tactics being used by McCain & Palin, speaking "as one who was a victim of violence and hate during the height of the Civil Rights Movement."
The Bride to Nowhere. McCain's chief of staff would rather he suffer "an honorable defeat" than be disgraced by Palin's continuing antics. John Cole laconically sums up how McCain and their neocon "helpers" created this unruly monster. "Pitbulls don’t know when to stop biting," the piece begins....
Deb has always wondered that the GOP's Plan A was to lose this election. If not, it's clear they've got a Plan B. See John Cole's piece, The Fall Guy.
He's back! Jon Swift, one of our favorite bloggers, has recently been bringing the satirical goodness. His recent piece on McCain's and Palin's tactics, "In Defense of Angry Mobs" is appropriately dark, but extremely funny. See also the following, from which BN-Pol has already quoted with great excitement and approval:
Let McCain Be McCain (on the anger of McCain)
Hairy Fishnuts:
McMob Drools: "McCain's nomination made the wingnuts abandon ship but got them back on board with Palin only to discover they're rocking his boat to the point of capsizing forcing him to go down with the ship."
Wingnut excesses:
The Tears of Clownshoes ("The mantra of the wingnut; our failures are the fault of others.")
Shorter Clown Hollers on Obama
A retard asks retarded questions ("[H]e has to defend Palin's own stupid and since her answers of late have been too stupid for even a defend he needs to Rove it up and go after the questions by declaring them unfair.")
NASCAR Fabulous. Cindy McCain looks way more faboo "without her doddering husband"!
Palin Drops Puck, Grabs for Fetuses.
See, you let Sarah outside her bubble, and you just can't control what happens! Tsk. Meanwhile, within her carefully crafted Avon crystal sphere, Sarah's whipping up the crowd with abortion, abortion, abortion, since the McCain campaign has pretty much been shamed out of using anything else.
I'm Going to Clear Myself of All Wrongdoing Today in Honor of Sarah Palin. Who's with Me?
What do women want that won’t cost me $2.99 a minute to find out? TBogg considers one wingnut's tentative attempts to woo the Cougars...I mean, the PUMAs.
The Stupids. A showcase of right-wing nutjobbery.
You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Your Campaign Blows. Hey, it's both a shout-out to Bob Dylan and a summary of McCain's strategy---because McCain knows a strategy from a tactic---on Ayers.
The Hunting of the Snark on the NRO's Catholic poster girl and object lesson in what happens to Catholic girls who actually believe what their church teaches them and then---inexplicably---fail to find a suitable husband:
For the Love of God. "Does she pay taxes, read grown-up newspapers, make love, cook meals, bully sexist service people? Or does she float from condo to taxi to airplane to office, skimming the surface of the world like a waterbug on a pond?"
K-Lo Goes To Confession. Don't miss this new installment in the continuing adventures of K-Lo.
Run Away, Cindy. Uh-oh. Is the Virgin K-Lo---who gave her heart to the Mittster--- a fickle little tramp?
Whiskey Fire:
Excused from School. Molly Ivors taunts MoDo's sad attempt at middlebrow college co-ed humor the way it needs to be taunted.
[W]hat Maureen misses, I think, is that this is who they always were....Just because he kicked you off the plane doesn't make him a different person, Dowd.
American Bacon. Yes, of course---it was the LEFTISTS who booed Palin at the hockey event.
Well, what can you expect, with those effete leftist coastal egghead Flyers fans all hepped up on lattes and arugula. They are more beast than man.
The Artificial Manure Ring. Excerpt:
Nobody doubts that conservatives take themselves extremely seriously. Go ahead, try to stop them. "Conservatives" have constructed an alternative reality for themselves, a Moron Matrix, and just will not swallow the Red Cheeto. An "intellectual tradition"? Feh, they have marketing, a fandom, an inane, insane, semi-secular, logically circular pseudo-religion complete with "dogma."
Happy Birthday, Ms. Coulter! "To paraphrase Steve Martin: Conservative beauty is not pretty." (WoC)
And to paraphrase Marc in Ugly Betty (yeah, and what of it?): "She's not smiling, she's showing her teeth."
Ah, The Idealism of Youth! "Ben [Shapiro], the former wunderkind of the Reagan set, has fallen into his role as the far-right’s twenty-something bitter and dyspeptic coot without a lot of notice. But he is now advising today’s college students on why they too should give up and accept John McCain as their destiny, so let’s give him a moment of our time."
How Martians Probed My Anus And Won The Election, By Hugh Hewitt. I think the title says it all.
The Brown Badge of Cowardice. On "the emergent trend towards naked insanity" on the racist gun-craving fear-haunted right wing and one of its Very Special Spokesmen. Gavin M. says, among much else:
This rush to buy guns, whether real or not, has become a conservative shibboleth lately, stemming from the avidly held prospect that an Obama administration would outlaw gun ownership, and the even more eagerly dreaded couch-time fantasy of a socioeconomic catastrophe that calls for the stockpiling of canned and dehydrated food and ammunition, the appointment of a ‘bug-out vehicle’ (in the imagined form, perhaps, of a suburban minivan with a jerry-built roof turret and spikes welded to the wheel hubs), and the merciless shooting of revenooers, bushy-haired and/or dusky-hued strangers, strangers in general except for attractive young women in distress, stray dogs and other previously non-huntable wildlife, and actual or potential thieves of canned and dehydrated food and ammunition....
It signifies a return to the wingnut ethos of the Clinton years, before the conspiratorial, wackadoo right wing fell in love with George W. Bush, and thus with government power and weird neo-royalist notions of the Executive Branch. It’s a return to the “jackbooted government thugs” iconography of the ’90s, in which incidents such as Ruby Ridge and Waco were seen as defining a historical fault line between an illegitimate, runaway Federalism and a perpetually threatened organic America — the often agrarian, invariably pre-capitalist order imagined and extolled throughout the early 20th Century by characters from William Jennings Bryan to Father Coughlin, and later in even sillier fashion by conservatives from Pat Buchanan, to G. Gordon Liddy, to Rod Dreher. Armed militias, or at least groups of fat yo-yos with guns, sprang up to oppose a hallucinatory, originally Birch-concocted trend toward world government and to defend the sanctity of the Constitution — whose feckless shredding they would later, as we know, cheer, as soon as a spite-lofted pseudoconservative administration again controlled the White House. (More...)
Yep. In addition to everything else, we can start worrying again about domestic terrorism---911 made everyone forget the Oklahoma City bombing, apparently--- this time with even more open hate-and-fear-mongering by the far right lunatics, whose looney views obtained some sort of legitimacy during the Bush Administration. Because it's different, and not fascism at all, when they do it.
god bless us, everyone. Were you wondering how An American Carol is faring at the box office? What? Oh--- well, as I understand it it's a conservative film expressing non-Hollyweird "Real American" values. skippy will be happy to tell you how it's going.
nuremburger and fries. News from The Hate Talk Express.
well, look at that... Jim Yeager isn't going to go ha ha ha told you so all over Christopher Buckley.
Racist Moron Palin Clowns Continue To Be Racist Moron Palin Clowns. "The only thing “funny” about this latest video that...these people will soon be the helpless subjects of a BLACK TERRORIST PRESIDENT, who will tragically extend their miserable lives by ensuring they have health care and social security, whileemploying their trucknutz-loving adult children on huge New New Deal infrastructure projects in Pennsylvania backwaters just like this one." [Don't check out that video if you're having a pretty good day]
The Daily Dish:
Just as Andrew Sullivan has become the right's idea of the "hard left", he's our idea of a real conservative. Just to bring some fairness and balance into this, let's hear from him. We all know Sullivan can bring the snark when he wants to.
"Truly Peculiar And Creepy." Sullivan, being a Brit, didn't grow up among members of the GOP's true "base" like some of us. So he is endlessly weirded out by the Palins, and cites a big chunk of Hilzoy's post to prove it!
Palin vs McCain? "You can ride this kind of tiger only so long before it eats you as well."
Now They Tell Us. "“The Right can only be depressed as they watch Obama buoyed by a world credit crisis and the deep unpopularity of a president who campaigned but never governed like a conservative," - David Freddoso, New York Post."
Where's The Atlantic's Econoblogger Meagan McArdle?
"Hillary" Must be So "Proud"; Meanwhile, the REAL Hillary Continues to Support Real Democrats
This Just In: Sarah Palin Abused Power
Even Republicans are Startled by the Hardcore Base; McCain Trying to Douse the Flames
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