We Don't Like You Either

  • Sir Baz [Ironic Brit]
  • Teh Puppet Mistress
  • Blue Stockings [Strident]
  • Mr. John Q. Public [So Right It's Wrong]
  • Teh Nutroots [Blue Meanie]
  • Cockney Robin [Bemused Brit]
  • Anna Hosanna [Born. Again. Holier than Thou]

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October 05, 2008


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I will come too. Then we can watch Hell fill up with women together. One good may come out of Sarah Palin running for VP. When good women decide on to support her, hell will be straightened up in no time at all. :)

Incidentally,my granddaughter was named for Madeline Albright.


We may get Hell cleaned up yet...because there are a lot of women that are going there if what Palin says is true.

I posted on this misquote too. Your blog post just made me stop and think about what it was in that statement that bothered me. Take a read.


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