by Teh Nutroots | Deb C at our sister blog some time ago compared McCain and Obama to Elmer and Bugs. In fact she has been calling wingnuts "Elmers" for the last couple of years. They keep doing the same thing harder, even when it's clear it ain't working. Maybe they are all insane and it wasn't as obvious when everything was going their way. I guess it's an analogy that's occurred to a lot of us.
Presented for your consideration: The Corner at NRO.
Anyway I gotcher snark o' the day right here.
after poll and focus group after focus group reveal that not only have
attacks on Obama's character turned off those vital on-the-fence
independents, but they may be the single biggest reason that the
campaign has squandered what was a close race not that many weeks ago
and is not making headway in the voter-rich Philadelphia 'burbs where
voters are far more concerned about the economy.
there they were referring to Obama as "an old-fashioned liberal" who
would be "redistributionist in chief" if elected, would "lose the war"
in Iraq and, horror of horrors, is "interrupting the World Series for
an infomercial."
They still don't get it. And never will. (Kiko's House)
Yep. While everyone else is gritting their teeth to stiffen the upper lip against the daily assault of bad economic news, they're jumping up and down at Toon Town rallies, scarlet faced and spluttering, "You Wascally Wabbit!" or swearing incoherently while firing their tiny, ineffectual guns. The overgrown kids constituting the 24 percenters--who are the only people who show up for McCain/Palin rallies--laugh uproariously, stomp their feet, and applaud. They're the kids who identified with Elmer and Yosemite Sam.
Meanwhile, Bugs has calmly wandered off the screen and is busy elsewhere. Win, lose, or draw, he's not going anywhere.
This is how come any moderate Republicans or on-the-fence independents out there who are still on the fence and are leaning McCain-ward ought to be very, very nervous.
We've had eight years of an administration that's exploited the anger and fear of the nation's least rational (i.e., "the base") and proved over and over again that when that doesn't work, all they know how to do is to splutter and jump up and down.
Ask yourself this: Do we need four more years of President Elmer and VP Yosemite Sam?