by Blue Stockings | If it's really true that Republican party "is regaining some of its luster" (Politico via Memeorandum), the response of Democrats everyone would seem to be clear: POINT OUT what eight years of GOP policy---not even any specific politician, but GOP POLICY---has done to the security, safety, and financial futures of every citizen of this country and KEEP ON SAYING IT.
Self-evident, you say? A no-brainer? THEN WHY ISN'T THERE MORE OF IT?
It looks as if the evidence is going to become increasingly apparent, even to people who never pick up a newspaper and get their news from Fox News and Rush....
Don't Panic! Massive Plan to Salvage the Economy Currently Under Way
ABC Goes for McCain on Economic Flip-Flop: "A Conversion of Convenience"
Energy Expert Sarah Palin, Stop Making Sense! Oh, Wait.
"First Dude, First Dude, First---" (About Todd Palin)
McCain Senior Policy Advisor Leaves Tweety Incredulous
McCain Campaign "Sacrificial Spokesman" Tucker Bounds Again Raked Over the Coals for Campaign Lies
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