Taylor Marsh, formerly one of Hillary's most stalwart advocates, has the intelligent and tactful take on this:
The video speaks for itself. Shuster just about makes up for his horrific "pimping" Chelsea out comment. As you can see, neither people are reasonable or registering a grievance that makes any sense at all. Bower works at it, but he and the woman in charge of her piece of this political train wreck only make it easier to ridicule them, as David Shuster does easily...
It's never easy to lose, especially when your heart's invested. But nobody likes a sore loser, especially when there is so much at stake.
Hillary's name in nomination isn't what any of us worked for when this all began. But that's what we have and it's going to have to do, because we've got a huge job ahead. Turning the Republicans out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. That's the only thing that matters now. Believe it or not, we've got a great chance to sweep into a big majority in Congress and move a Democrat into the White House. All Barack Obama has to do is close the deal. (Taylor Marsh)
All they want to do is punish the DNC....but is it clear that voting against Obama will change the leadership?
She's put up some other excellent posts.
From June 8, after Hillary's excellent speech:
There are those Hillary supporters who just can't get their heads around supporting Barack Obama. Who think John McCain is the answer. I can understand being neutral about both choices if you're a Hillary supporter, but I cannot fathom throwing weight behind John McCain. He and Hillary are friends, but their philosophies are miles apart, which both admit, so it makes no sense. Some cite "revenge on the DNC" as a reason to support McCain. Nothing could be more self-destructive or self-serving. Getting even with the DNC at the expense of our country is a morally bankrupt choice.
It's tough to lose. Hillary showed everyone the way through yesterday by giving the most magnificent speech of her career, some say an historic speech, with which I concur. She's asking all of us, no matter how hard, to put this country first and help a Democrat get elected in November. Those ideals bind us. Hillary has put the primary in the past, including all that happened, even though she'll obviously be reconciling much of it for months to come and will never forget what happened, while analyzing the mistakes made. But she's willing to fully and heartily endorse Barack Obama. He'd do the same if the positions were reversed. It's what happens after primaries end. She's asking us to do the same.
I stand with Hillary. I will follow her lead. (Taylor Marsh)
From July 18:
[R]egardless of what Senator Clinton wants the Hillary hysteria continues...
Obviously, the individuals below are not getting the message from Hillary. So let me be clear. Senator Clinton doesn't support any efforts meant to hijack the Democratic convention. This can't be said any clearer. Senator Clinton does not, I repeat, does not support their efforts.
That doesn't mean moving on is easy for any of us who still support Hillary. Believe me, it's not. But what's going on under some claim of "support" for her is anything but that at this point.....
Let me say this slowly so even the most dense can understand. Senator Clinton is not.... NOT... (let that sink in for a moment) ... intending... .... nor will she make any effort whatsoever ... ... to take her fight... ... (read all of those words again)... to the floor in Denver. Let's repeat. Senator Clinton is not, NOT intending, nor will she make any effort whatsoever, to take her fight to the floor in Denver.
Deep breath. Exhale.
The disrespect that Hillary is now being shown is stunning. These people who voted and once supported Hillary now believe she's a victim and is so weak she can't get for herself what she wants. That the Democrats are going to push her around? The Democratic Party cannot win in November without Hillary and people like me and the readers at this blog who still support Hillary, but who have faced the facts that we all gave the best fight, but did not prevail. (Taylor Marsh)
And this is most awesome of all:
Facts don't matter, whether it's Senator Clinton asking for us all to support and work for a Democratic victory in November, or that analysis is different from what these people are alleging. In the end it has become all about them, their vote, their relevancy, which they're pushing through animosity. (Taylor Marsh)
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