by Teh Nutroots | For the connoisseur of progressive snark, Teh Nutroots recommends:
[1] "Shorter Richard Cohen" at Sadly, No!
[2] "malkin after midnight" by skippy the bush kangaroo. skippy reports on the ATTACK on the malkin! The reports of the threat have been greatly exaggerated....not that you would know this from the reaction of what skippy calls the-hardly-ever-right.
[3] See also Gavin M. at SN!: Shorter Right-Wing Blogosphere; Oliver Willis: 9/11 Truthers Vs. Michelle Malkin; Greywolf at Hitchens Watch: When Alex Met Michelle
[4] TBogg: The Great Escape
[4] John Cole at Balloon Juice:
"John McCain is so old that on Wednesday, when former Bill Clinton speaks, it is important to realize that Clinton spent 8 years as President, 8 years as a former President, and is STILL ten years younger than McCain." (Convention Night Warm-Up)
See also: Tehran’s Favorite Senator
[5] Hairy Fishnuts: Shorter Phyllis Schlafly
[6] Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog: Excellent Dog Whistle, Hillary
"No way, nohow, no McCain" -- great, great line, aimed directly at the PUMAs, who love to say "Nobama." Thank you for that, Hillary. [More]
[7] The Rude Pundit:
[8] S.Z. at World O' Crap: "We Must Beat Our Kids to Achieve World Peace" [a response to the malkin]
[9] Mark G. at Hitchens Watch: Hitch's loathsome anti-Russia propaganda
"While reading Hitch’s Slate column each week, I often cheat and skip down to the final couple paragraphs where he reveals what he’s really talking about...." [More]
[10] M. Bouffant at Fire Meagan McArdle: The Glibertarian Philosophy in a Nutshell. Cf. skippy on McArdle's threatened resignation from the human race.
Harry Shearer: "Tiny Guns Make Big Trouble" (Judith Owen Sings)
Colbert Twofer: John McCain Steals from Wikipedia /Blame Monica Goodling
The Faulty Reasoning Almanack: Shuster Is Polite To PUMAs....but....
A Right Wing Man's Plea: Right Wing Women, Please Stop Blogging
Republican Women, Know Your Limits!
A Right-Wing Christian Asks: If Obama Really is the Antichrist, Shouldn't We Vote for Him?
A Right Wing Christian Lady's Plea to the Media: Please, No More Dog "Whistles"
Can White Men Dance? Oh, Yes, Ms. McArdle. YES WE CANMcCain: Bringin' The Tough Love to African-Americans and the Campaign
thx 4 the link, and thx especially for not capitalizing my name!
Posted by: skippy | August 27, 2008 at 01:33 AM