by (Mrs.) Anna Hosanna | I know that the "crazy liberals" who also post here are not going to like this post and will roll their Eyes, even Damozel who owns this site and is a Quaker (which I thought was only on Oatmeal Boxes) is a "Liberal". She took me to Her church once and they don't even Sing Hymns or have a Sermon, they just sit there and supposably Pray silently unless "the Spirit" moves them to speak (the spirit Must of been as Bored as I was when I was There because nobody said a Thing and I nearly Fell Asleep.)
But as a born-again "True Believer"as well as a Christian, "I am worried" about this ad. While "I don't usually pay any attention" to ads, as a Fan of "The Book of Revelations" and also "The Left Behind" Series, "I was shocked" when I saw this ad and then Read a Piece in Time that demonstrated that Obama might be "the Antichrist." (I know some Conservatives call Him the "Obamamessiah" but "I do not" since that is sacrilegious.)
This McCain ad made me think about Him (Obama) Differently:
Then: I read this article in TIME Magazine:
In the "ad," these Words "flash across the screen":
"It should be known that in 2008 the world shall be blessed. They will call him The One."...
The Antichrist of the Left Behind books is a charismatic young political leader named Nicolae Carpathia who founds the One World religion (slogan: "We Are God") and promises to heal the world after a time of deep division. One of several Obama clips in the ad features the Senator saying, "A nation healed, a world repaired. We are the ones that we've been waiting for."
....A Moses-playing Charlton Heston parts the animated waters of the Red Sea, out of which rises the quasi-presidential seal the Obama campaign used for a brief time earlier this summer before being mocked into retiring it. The seal, which features an eagle with wings spread, is not recognizable like the campaign's red-white-and-blue "O" logo. [I]n the apocalyptic Book of Daniel, the Antichrist is described as rising from the sea as a creature with wings like an eagle.
In the Left Behind books, Carpathia is a junior Senator who speaks several languages, is beloved by people around the world and fawned over by a press corps that cannot see his evil nature, and rises to absurd prominence after delivering just one major speech. Hmmh. But serious Antichrist theorists don't stop there. Everything from Obama's left-handedness to his positive rhetoric to his appearance on the cover of this magazine has been cited as evidence of his true identity. One chain e-mail claims that the Antichrist was prophesied to be "A man in his 40s of MUSLIM descent," which would indeed sound ominous if not for the fact that the Book of Revelation was written at least 400 years before the birth of Islam.*
*I don't believe this is true, but if it is, then it was a PROPHECY. The book of Revelations is a PROPHECY, meaning it foretold the future.
,,,,Conservative Christian author Hal Lindsey declared in an essay on WorldNetDaily, "Obama is correct in saying that the world is ready for someone like him — a messiah-like figure, charismatic and glib* ... The Bible calls that leader the Antichrist. And it seems apparent that the world is now ready to make his acquaintance." (TIME; bolded by me)
*I do not Agree that the Messiah (Jesus) is "Glib." Mister Hal Lindsey should Be Ashamed.
I believe in the "Word," and the Left Behind books are based on the Book of Revelations, so I have to say, based on this, it almost looks like Obama might be the Antichrist. I don't pay much attention to the campaign because I already made up my mind to Vote for McCain. (I am Not a Racist, but I don't think a "Black Person" who went to Harvard, a school Up North, can represent someone Like Me from Texas).
Now I am really Worried because I don't know what the Right thing is for me to do.
If the End of the Days has finally arrived, as the preacher at the "Church of the Rock and Rapture" is always saying it is Going to, then it Stands to Reason that Jesus will be here soon and the "Rapture" is at hand. Naturally, "I have been preparing" for the "Rapture" my whole life long and when that happens, I expect to be Taken Up. But some people who are Not Ready will not be Taken Up, and will have to be Left Behind for the last war against Antichrist.
That is why "I am concerned" about what will Happen to my Son Kieran. Even though he "Accepted Christ as His Savior" at the last Revival back in May, my son Kieran still smokes "pot" sometimes. Now that he is 16, he Won't listen anymore to "Christian" "Rock", but listens to "Heavy Metal" and might be having "Premarital Heavy Petting" with that slut from the Episcopal Church. He even said he might Go to Church there till I told him it would "break my heart" if he does: the "Whiskeypalians" (!!!!!!!) teach that Jesus drank real Wine (though what the Bible calls "wine" is what we call "Grape Juice") and that it is not a sin to drink alcohol (!!!!!!!), dance, or play Cards.
It is his Dad's fault who never set him a good Example (listens to "the Allman Brothers" whenever Kieran visits there over the Weekend.) Anyway, I don't think Kieran is Ready and his Dad, Bob, definitely "Is Not." "I am Worried about Kieran" not Bob. "I don't like to think" what Will happen to Kieran if he is Left Behind (as I reckon he will be on account of pot and premarital Petting).
I also don't Know what the Christian thing is to do. If the Antichrist has arrived (Obama), then would it be Right to vote for him so the End of Days can go ahead and Start? How can Jesus "come back" if the prophecy is not Fulfilled?
So even though I am worried about Kieran, I feel like as if I ought to Vote "for Obama" if he is really the Antichrist because, like Revelations says, "Even so, come Lord Jesus." But if not voting for the Antichrist would Delay the Rapture for awhile, I would rather. It's not that "I don't look forward" to Glory. I just feel like as if I need a little bit longer to Get Ready for it. If Obama loses this time, then I would have ":four more years" to get ready.
If you are a Christian (Evangelical) Please tell me what you think I had ought to do.
(A) Vote for Obama because if he is Antichrist then Jesus will come back,
(B) Not Vote for Obama so as to have more time to Prepare (and "Hopefully" straighten Out Kieran) but Vote for Obama the next Time around.
(Mrs.) Anna Hosanna
A Worried Born Again Christian
Memeorandum has other people writing About This but none of them (so Far) have answered my question.
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