Posted by PBS Mind | Over the weekend, former President Jimmy Carter criticized GWB's administration, saying that "as far as the adverse impact on the nations around the world, this administration has been the worst in history" and going on to say that it reversed America's basic values as demonstrated by former administrations, including the three most recent Republican administrations.
The Bush White House, apparently unable to counter with facts, promptly responded that it thinks Carter is "proving to be increasingly irrelevant."
I've never heard the White House damn itself more thoroughly.
Because the White House is right. The actions of the Bush White House have gone miles and miles toward making anything rational, compassionate or clear-sighted TOTALLY irrelevant insofar as the United States' role in the world is concerned.
I'm irrelevant. I admit it. If you're actually reading this, you probably are too. Let's stand up and be counted. Let's add our voices to the irrelevant din out there, so that after 2008 is over and all is said and done, the rest of the world may still loathe America but it won't feel obliged to loathe all Americans right along with it.