Nov 23-Nov 30, 2008
FDA Hid News About Baby Food with Toxic Chemicals?
AIG Scraps Bonuses but Gives Retention Pay (Which Looks Like a Bonus)
NBC Keeps Using "Military Analyst" with Financial Interests in War
Jon Swift on the Black Friday Wal-Mart Stampede
The Bush Administration's 11th Hour Rush to Pass A Regulation that Obama Opposes
The Return of Samantha Power...
Remembering Bush
Bloggers React to Black Friday Trampling Death
Black Black Friday: Three Dead
Proof that We Live in Interesting Times
Pentagon Computers Infected with Malware -- Despite Millions Paid to Contractors
Well Said, Dr. Krugman: Maybe They'll Listen This Time
Iraqi Parliament Approves Security Agreement
Swiss Bankers Evince Faint Signs of Shame; Meanwhile, Their American Counterparts Continue to Have None
Obama Discusses his Coming Presidency; Meanwhile, Media Already Musing on the Challengers-in-Waiting?
World Leaders React to Terror Attacks in India
Northeastern Corridor of AmTrak Targeted by Al Qaeda?
Indian Terror: Attackers Targeting Americans & Britons?
Justice Dept: More Breaking of Rules & Wasting of Tax Dollars?
Gates (Unofficially) Agrees to Stay at Pentagon: Enough with the Speculations and Leaks, Already!
Interesting Thoughts on the Massive Bailouts
Media Mislead About Autoworkers' Salaries, Largely Ignore Executive Pay
Is Hillary Barred from Becoming Secretary of State?
State Judge Publicly Calls Mukasey a Tyrant, Mukasey Later Faints
Can Somebody Please Take the Economy Away from Paulson?
So What if the Dow Goes up? It Doesn't Reflect the State of our Economy
Another Bailout for Another Company Run by Reckless Execs
Glenn Greenwald to Disappointed Progressives: What Did You Expect?
Media Again Misrepresenting Hillary's Record & Positions
Open Letter to Newt Gingrich from His Sister: "Stop being a hater, big bro"
(Nov 22)
Obama Seeks to Create Jobs FDR Style: Modern Issues that Must be Addressed
New York Times: New Twist in Siegelman Appeal
Geithner is Likely New Treasury Secretary, Media Questionably Ecstatic
With Daschle at HHS, Expect Healthcare Reform Debate Early
(Nov 21)
Sullivan: "No Way. No How. No Brennan."
Federal Judge Orders Release of Five Guantanamo Detainees
Obama: Not Throwing Any Bones to the Progressive Base?
Attorney General Michael Mukasey Collapses During a Speech
The Nutterdammarung: The Right Rages Impotently On
(Nov 20)
(Nov 19)
Bush Admin. Giving Job Security to Political Appointees?
Joe Lieberman: Still Banging His Gavel (Bloggerama)
Cheney & Gonzales Indicted in Texas
The Prevailing of Joe Lieberman
Hagel Unleashes on His Own Party (and Its Leading Bloviator)
(Nov 18)
Obama's First Challenge: Domestic Spying
Paulson's Pep-Talk Op-Ed: an Exercise in Specious Statements and Omissions
Tweety: Still Hates Hillary
Lieberman "Compromise" "Punishment" Proposal Means He Will Keep His Main Committee Chair
(Nov 17)
(Nov 16)
Bush's "Op-ed" on the Economy Riddled with Self-Contradiction and Non-Facts
(Nov 15)
Bad Moon Rising? "Huge" Threat from Al-Qaeda; Financial Downturn Increases Security Risks
Felon Ted Stevens
Should Obama Step Off the Bailout Band-wagon?
"Is Kashkari a Chump?"
Jon Stewart Takes on Papa Bear O'Reilly (The Historic Uncut Interview)
Obama Proposes an Auto Industry Rescue Plan with Strings Attached; Grassley Has a Suggestion for Executives; Paulson Dithers
Leahy and Sanders Demand Lieberman's Ouster from Homeland Security Committee
(Nov 14)
Hillary Met with Obama: Did He Make Her an Offer?
The Twilight of the Wingnuts
How You Gonna Keep 'Em in Wasilla Once They've Seen DC?
A Roman Catholic Priest to Obama Supporters: No Eucharist for You!
(Nov 13)
More Sleight of Hand re: Bailout Funds?
Baucus Pushes for Health Care Reforms, Crackdown on Health-Care Contractor Fraud Could Help Pay for Reforms
(Nov 12)
Poll Shows Strong Public Support for Incoming Democratic Government
Waxman Wants Executive Pay Data from Banks Receiving Bailout Funds
Sleight of Hand: Bush Admin. Quietly Funneled Money to Banks -- in Addition to $700 Billion Bailout?
Intelligence Officers Hayden & McConnell Think Obama will Fire Them: WaPo Thinks it's Just Politics?
Waxman Looking into Waste & Abuse re: Medicare Part D Drug Pricing
Judge Rules Against Bush Admin. re: Missing Emails
Bush Regrets The Things He Shouldn't Have Said
(Nov 11)
Michelle Obama Turns to Hillary for Advice
Hollow Laugh of the Day: Georgia Congressman Who Compared Obama to Hitler Apologized "to Anyone Who was Offended" (*UPDATED)
Pentagon Board Says DoD's Budget is "Not Sustainable"
Lieberman Watch Part 3: Obama Wants Lieberman to Remain in Caucus
Tales of the Nutterdammerung: Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light!
Historicity: Obama Visits Bush at White House
(Nov 10)
Talent Agents Pursuing Sarah Palin?
Obama to Keep Three Top Bush Appointees?
Rahm Emanuel Urges Auto Industry Bailout; Cutting Executive Pay Would Save Jobs
China Announces Huge Economic Stimulus Plan
(Nov 9)
Conservative P.J. O'Rourke: "We Blew It." A Retort from a Liberal O'Rourke Fan
Snark-O-Rama: A Compendium of Mordant Commentary On Current Events
Conservative UK Paper: Secret Service Blames Palin for Death Threats Against Obama
Norm Coleman Tries to Stop Absentee Ballot Count in Tight Senate Race Against Al Franken
Obama Gearing Up to Hit the Ground Running on Reversing Toxic Bush Administration Policies
Nov 2-Nov 8, 2008
(Nov 8)
Update on Al Franken and Norm Coleman's Senate Race
Florida Power Company Comes Under Scrutiny over Nuke Plant, Wants Customers to Pay for Errors
Lieberman Watch Part 2: Republicans Reach Out
The End of the Campaign Trail: Limping Past the Finish Line
(Nov 7)
Colbert Report: What Part of 'Barack Hussein Obama' Doesn't Scare You?
Jon Swift: It's Not the End of the World
Al Franken v. Norm Coleman: Recount Continues for Minnesota Senate Race
Just Say: "No Joe": Lieberman Watch
Schaden-Bloggen-Freude: "Circular Firing Squad"
(Nov 6)
Grace in Victory Goes Only so Far: Impeachment Should go Back on the Table
Airstrike Kills Women & Children at Wedding in Afghanistan
(Nov 5)
Reid to Take Lieberman to the Woodshed
Al Franken and Norm Coleman in Dead Heat
America Has Awakened and Said "No More"
ABC Discourages Western Voters from Turning out to Vote
(Nov 4)
Glad to Have Lived to See This Day
A Once-Reluctant Gal Rolls the Dice on Obama
Alan Grayson and Tim Cunha for Congress, Florida's 8th and 6th Districts
Obama's Grandmother Dies at 86, Republicans Step into it Again
(Nov 3)
Ted Stevens Hopes to Save Senate Seat with Post-Conviction Ad
Government Says No (for now) to Another Car-Industry Bailout
(Nov 2)
Norm Coleman's 'Big Lie' Technique
One in Five Owe More to Lenders than House is Worth, but Bubble Should be Allowed to Deflate
Oct 26-Nov 1, 2008
(Nov 1)
Palin Gets Pranked by the Masked Avengers
Picked Up from Along the Campaign Trail
Bush Lies Low While His Administration Quietly Prepares to Inflict Even More Damage
A Theory of How the Ohio Vote Might Have Been Stolen in 2004?
US Attorney General Mukasey Costs Taxpayers $155,800 for Personal Trips
...Add Reagan Chief of Staff Ken Duberstein's Name to the List of GOP Obama Endorsements
(Oct 31)
Palin on the First Amendment (Proving Yet Again Why She's Unfit for the Vice Presidency
Payback Time for Norm Coleman in MN
Save Jobs by Cutting Executive Pay
Al Qaeda Wants to See Republicans Humiliated?
Things Aren't Looking Good for Republicans (for Good Reason)
Boo! Shaking and Rattling Down the Campaign Trail
Colbert Joins Other Prominent Republicans in Endorsing Obama
(Oct 30)
THIS JUST IN: OMG!!! Is McCain a Secret Socialist Wealth Spreader Like Sarah Palin?
Sarah Palin: Real American or Wealth-Redistributing Possibly Communist Commissar of the People's Collective of Alaska?
Are Bailout Funds Being Misused, and is Consolidation of Banks a Good Thing?
Forget "Joe" the Singing "Plumber." "Bob the [Licensed] Builder" Says "Yes, We Can"
Alive and Snarking on the Campaign Trail
Palin Billed Alaska Taxpayers for Family Members' Travels
Barack-o-rama Obamarama: The Infomercial
(Oct 28)
Three Dozen Telemarketers Walk Out of Call Center Rather than Read Anti-Obama Script
The McCain Campaign Misrepresents Obama's Position on "Redistribution of Wealth"
ATF Foils Plot to Kill Obama & Murder 102 Students at a High School
Another Awesome Campaign Ad: "Whassup"
Palin Pal Republican Sen. Ted Stevens Convicted on all Seven Felony Counts
Pakistan: U.S. Stops Ground Raids, Starts Airstrikes
Jon Swift: How to Tell if You're Pro- or Anti-America
Bush Getting Involved in Ohio's Voter Purge?
(Oct 26)
Ex-Bush Official and Career Diplomat Nicholas Burns Disagrees with McCain on Foreign Policy
US Helicopters Attack Syrian Village, 8 Alleged Dead
Gawking and Gagging on the Campaign Trail
Anchorage Daily News Goes for Obama---Obama in a Newspaper Endorsement Landslide
The Economy Continues to Stall
Palin Inadvertently Mocks Scientific Research Essential to the Very Cause She Espouses
Oct 19-Oct 25, 2008
(Oct 25)
Iraq Says "No" to Troop Agreement
Will We Better Off in Four Years?
Bush Puts Executive Branch Above the Law Yet Again
Robert Draper at The New York Times: Who is John McCain?
What to do With All Those Prisoners in Iraq?
Oversight Committee to Hold Hearings on Fannie & Freddie
They Won't Get Fooled Again: "Backwards B" Girl Admits to Hoax
(Oct 24)
AIG Spent Most of $100+ Billion in Bailout Funds, Still Might File Bankruptcy
Jon Swift Takes Aim at the Conservosphere: Great Moments in Election-Year Blogging
SNL: Ferrell as Bush has Role of VP Explained to Him by Fey as Palin; Gives His Endorsement
Pittsburgh Disfigurement Story Needs Calmer Coverage
Greenspan Finally Admits that De-Regulation Doesn't Really Work
(Oct 23)
Palin: an Ordinary Jane (with a $150,000 Wardrobe)
House Overisght Hearing Today re: Regulators and the Financial Crises
(Oct 22)
Countdown: Voter fraud, Republican style.
Al-Qaeda Rejoices Over Economic Crisis; McCain Picks Up an Unwelcome "Endorsement"
The Daily Show: Jon Stewart Interviews Christopher Buckley
27 States Now in Recession or "Dangerously Close" to It
Ben Bernanke [Head of the Fed] Endorses Obama
(Oct 21)
Iraq: Members of the Anbar Awakening Worry About Their Future
Colbert: If Powell Wants a Transformational Figure, Why Not Vote for McCain?
Olbermann: Special Comment on "Ugly Bleatings" of this Campaign
Baldwin to Irate Liberals: "SNL is a Comedy Show; What Did You Expect?"
(Oct 20)
Powell Gets Bashed by Conservatives for Obama Endorsement; Racial Motivation Alleged
(Oct 19)
Worldwide Economic Meltdown: No Rules = No Responsibility?
Houston Chronicle & Kansas City Star Endorse Obama
Former Secretary of State Gen. Colin Powell Endorses Obama
If Elected, Would Obama Appoint a Bipartisan Cabinet?
The McCain Campaign: "Real Americans, Represent!"
Oct 12-Oct 18, 2008
(Oct 18)
Obama Questions Justice Dept.'s Objectivity in Going After ACORN Again
Fall-out for "The Axis of Diesel" from Falling Oil Prices---and for the Rest of the World
More Media Endorsements for Obama
Secessionist-Friendly Sarah Palin Visits the Pro-America Part of America
(Oct 17)
Meanwhile, the Economy Continues to Sicken
McCain Petitions for Forgiveness from Letterman; Letterman Challenges McCain's Public Statements
Tribune Company to Drop Associated Press but Doesn't Cite Questionable Quality?
Washington Post Endorses Obama, Swiped Palin & McCain
Unseemly Glee & Loathing (Mostly Loathing) on the Campaign Trail
(Oct 16)
Obama & McCain Bring the Comedy at the Al E. Smith Dinner
John McCain Addresses ACORN....
Joe the Plumber: An American Carol; UPDATE: Al The Plumber Responds
Post Debate: Is the Party Over for Joe the Plumber & Joe Six-Pack or Will They Switch to Obama Too?
Final Presidential Debate like Bugs v. Elmer
(Oct 15)
Young Progressives: It's Your Turn Now
Wall Street Journal's Spin on $250 Billion "Injection of Capital" into Banks
Former Python John Cleese: Michael is No Longer the Funniest Palin
Palin Mistakes Followers for Hecklers; Administers Rebuke
Obama Momentum Continues to Build; Polled Voters Don't Like McCain's Negativity or Sarah Palin
Bush Strategist: John "Country First" McCain Put the Whole Country at Risk by Choosing Palin
Damning Report on Justice Department Politicization
(Oct 14)
Colbert Report: "Turncoat" Conservative Kathleen Parker Still Thinks Sarah Palin is Unprepared for the Vice Presidency
Buckley Leaves National Review and the Republican Party's Very Small Yurt
Pentagon Wants $450 Billion More, Should Maximize Current Funds First
Who's The Radical Here?
(Oct 13)
Krugman's Nobel Win Draws Loud Cheers and a Few Dispirited Boos
Krugman Wins Economics Nobel
European Agreement Leads Markets Higher
The McCain Campaign on the Economy: "Whereof One Cannot Speak, Thereof One Must be Silent"
Market Musings, 3rd Quarter 2008: How We Got Here
Krugman: "This is much, much scarier than the pessimists thought it could be"; Fareed Zakaria: "...but there is a silver lining, sort of"
(Oct 12)
Connecticut Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage
Credit Where it's Due: Bush Administration Wisely Flip-Flops on Bailout Plans
Econo-Crises: Republican Talking Points Wrong Again
Oct 4-Oct 11, 2008
(Oct 11)
Weekend Financial Crisis Priorities: Guaranteeing Interbank Lending and Recapitalization, Swedish Style
Jon Swift: "In Defense of Angry Mobs"
BBC Newsnight Investigates Voter Fraud
Palin Found to Have Abused Power as Governor
Media Watch: Misleading Headline re: Obama and Rezko
Schuster & Alter Discuss McCain's Repudiation of His Campaign's Rovian Anti-Obama Rhetoric
McCain Fights Back Against Anti-Obama Rhetoric from Supporters
McCain's Dumbest Attempt at "Affability" During "Townhall Debate" Backfires
(Oct 10)
Meanwhile, as the Economic Crash Continues, What Are Furious Conservatives Angry About?
The Apocalypse of Banks Part ####: The Meltdown Spreads Across the Globe
Colbert Nation: Joe Scarborough Tells Stephen It's Too Late for McCain
Obama Talks to Charlie Gibson About Alleged Association with Ayers; McCain's Cowardice
(Oct 9)
Risky Business: Junketing with AIG on Taxpayer Dollars
Economist DeLong Says, "McCain Mortgage Plan Worse than I Imagined"
(Oct 8)
Brokaw on Social Security; Palin on McCain's Plans for Social Security & Health Care Reform
AIG Execs Re-Distributed Shareholder Wealth to Themselves
McCain Calls Obama "That One"; Has a Plan to Nationalize the Mortgage Industry?
(Oct 7)
Colbert: "Maverick Without a Cause"
In Playing Pit Bull, Sarah Palin Sinks to New Lows
(Oct 6)
Executives Took Home Millions While Driving Companies (and our Economy) into Ditch
Saturday Night Live: Palin versus Biden
Risky Buys Were Not Fannie CEO's Fault (Though He Got $38 Million for His Efforts)?
Obama Campaign's "Keating Five" 13-Minute Documentary & Some Responses
(Oct 5)
New Campaign: Polar Bears Against Palin
Jon Swift: We Need a Crotchety Old Man to be President; Plus Swift's Modest Proposal for a Bailout Bill
Debate Fact Check: Palin and Biden "Mangled" Some Facts
AIG Spent $61 Billion of Old Bailout Money, Plans to Participate in the New Bailout
Oct 1-Oct 4, 2008
(Oct 4)
(Oct 3)
Curious Objects Found Along the Campaign Trail
The Daily Show: "Clusterf***k to the Poor House" Part 2
Reflections on the Debate: Gosh darn it, that Sarah Palin is Just as Bright as a Button!
(Oct 2)
Senate Passes Bailout Bill, House Should Kill it & Go Back to Drawing Board
Against Bailout Before He Was For it: Why Does Gingrich Still Weigh in?
(Oct 1)
Jon Stewart: Bi-Partisan Clusterf**k
Bailout v. 2.0 in the Mail? Partisan Politics & Party Plots
McCain Strategists Make Gov. Palin Seem Moronic Again
Another Failed Republican Tactic: a Small Timing Problem with Anti-Bailout Attack Ad