(Jul 31)
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(Jul 22)
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(Jul 15)
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(Jul 13)
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Jun 30 - Jul 6, 2009
(Jul 6)
(Jul 5)
(Jul 4)
(Jul 3)
(Jul 2)
(Jul 1)
(Jun 30)
Jun 22 - Jun 29, 2009
(Jun 29)
(Jun 28)
(Jun 27)
(Jun 26)
(Jun 25)
(Jun 24)
(Jun 23)
(Jun 22)
Jun 14 - Jun 21, 2009
(Jun 21)
(Jun 20)
(Jun 19)
(Jun 18)
(Jun 17)
(Jun 16)
(Jun 15)
(Jun 14)
Needful Diversions: Improbable & Probable Friendships (Video)
Cole on Iranian Election Fraud
TPMtv's "The Day in 100 Seconds" (June 12, 2009 Video): Election Day in Iran
The Right Wing Media's Role in Fostering Domestic Terrorism
Needful Diversions: British Spongebob ("Sailor Mouth")
TPMtv's "The Day in 100 Seconds" (June 11, 2009 Video): The White Face of Hatred
Support for Republican Party Sinking as Omissions, Lies, Spin, and Hypocrisy Catch up with GOP
Cash-Conscious Medical Group Opposes Single-Payer Health Care
(Jun 10)
Deeds' Amazing Win in Virginia Primary; McAuliffe Resoundingly Defeated
NYT: Obama's Responsibility for the Deficit versus Bush's
Palau Will Take Chinese Muslims from Gitmo
Colbert, Operation Iraqi: Stephen Stresses Importance of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
More on the Republican Coup in NY's Senate
TPMtv's "The Day in 100 Seconds" (June 9, 2009 Video): Sarah Palin is baaaaaaaaack
Here We Go Again: Obama Administration Objects to Release of Torture-Related Materials
Republicans Get Control of NY Senate
TPMtv's "The Day in 100 Seconds" (June 8, 2009 Video): North Korea's High Stakes Poker Game
North Korea Sentences 2 American Journalists to 12 Years Hard Labor as Tensions Continue to Escalate
Restful Sunday: a Few Artworks
Jun 1 - Jun 6, 2009
(Jun 6)
SEC Finally Goes After BIG (alleged) Crooks re: Sub-Prime Lending
Yet Another Corporate-Backed Group Tries to Dupe the Voting Public
Is Unemployment Slowing? The bad news & the good news & the bad news
(Jun 4)
Obama Tries to Bridge Gap Between America and Mid East
Will Franken Finally be Seated?
TPMtv's "The Day in 100 Seconds" (June 3, 2009 Video): Tour of Apology?
The Terroristic Tiller-Murder: More Evidence that the Wall Street Journal is Just a GOP-Propaganda Rag
Jon Stewart Interviews PJ O'Rourke
Did Shooter of Arkansas Recruiters Have Terrorist Ties?
(Jun 2)
TPMtv's "The Day in 100 Seconds" (June 2, 2009 Video): Sotomayor Runs the Capitol Hill Gauntlet
Olbermann on O'Reilly's & Fox's Complicity in the Tiller Murder: Time to Turn off Fox
Conquering a Fear, Quite Out of the Blue
The O'Reilly Jihad Against Dr. George Tiller (KosTV)
TPMtv's "The Day in 100 Seconds" (June 1, 2009 Video): General Motors Files for Bankruptcy
Ronald Reagan, the Consumer Culture, and "The New Frugality"