Dec 30 - 31, 2007
(Dec 31)
Krugman on the Impossible Dream
Iraq War Statistics Still Confusing
Congressmen Cite Evidence & Urge Impeachment of Cheney
Primary 2008: Polls Don't Seem to Mean Much
Contractor Gets Millions for Work the Defense Dept. Barely Uses
(Dec 30)
Dec 23 - 29, 2007
(Dec 29)
Sen. Clinton Calls for Probe re: Bhutto's Death (Update: Bhutto's Party Wants Body Exhumed)
Some Vermont Activists Want Bush & Cheney Arrested
(Dec 28)
U.S. Financial Condition has "Deteriorated Dramatically since 2000"
(Dec 27)
Jon Swift Hath Made a Monument More Lasting than Brass (A Humble Tribute from BN-Politics)
(Dec 26)
"The Day is Not Far Off When All Executions in the United States Will Take Place in Texas"
Paul Krugman: "Progressives, to Arms!" A Call for More...Partisanship?
Scrooging London's Homeless: No Soup for You!
Juan Cole's Top 10 Myths of '07
In the Immigrant "Clampdown", "Shamnesty" for Employers of Unauthorized Workers?
(Dec 25)
Christmas Message from the Famous Victorian Progressive, Charles Dickens
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
(Dec 24)
Torture Tapes: Rodriguez May Sing (and Implicate the White House)
Administration Warned about Using Security Contractors in Iraq
(Dec 23)
Sister Toldjah: No Figgy Pudding for the Liberals!
"Awakening Groups" in Iraq: a Strategy Doomed to Fail?
Is the Administration telling the Truth about Iran or Trying to Save Face?
Dec 16 - 22, 2007
(Dec 22)
J. Edgar Hoover Wanted to Suspend Habeas Corpus, Jail 12,000
*New York Times* Portrays Huckabee as a Liberal in Wolf's Clothing
(Dec 21)
Meyerson on Christian Hard-liners in the GOP
Gonzales Uses College Speech Money for Legal Defense Fund, Students Object
Does Blocking Congressional Dems Qualify as Success?
Torture Tape Story: is it OK to Leak Certain Classified Info?The Archbishop of Canterbury Says a Few "Controversial" Words on the Nativity Story
(Dec 20)
"Torture House" & Mass Graves Found: Who Owned them?
Justice Dept. Avoids Hearing on Contractor Rape Case
More Evidence of DoJ's Politically Motivated Decisions
White House Demands Headline Change but Doesn't Dispute Story
Will the Theocrats Decide the Next GOP Ticket?
Tancredo and Thompson: Of Evolution-Deniers and Lackluster Performances
The Passing of the Neocons: "Kristol, Krauthammer Are Out of Time"
(Dec 19)
Mike Huckabee: God's Candidate or Ignorant Caster of Stones? You Decide!
National Enquirer Updates the Edwards Story
Nameless Official: Some White House Staffers Wanted Torture Tapes Destroyed
(Dec 18)
Kurds Unhappy About Airstrikes; Refuse to Take a Meeting with Rice
Congress Considers High Cost of Private Contractors
Christopher Hitchens: "It's Perfectly Reasonable to Reject a Candidate for his Religious Views"
Telecom Shamnesty (Better a Nutroot than a Wingnut)
Investors Beware: GAO Says SEC Isn't Effectively Fighting Insider Trading
(Dec 17)
Military Pushes for Iraq Troop Drawdown, while Bush Gives us Something Else to Fear: Afghanistan?
Support Sen. Dodd on FISA--Act Now Before It's Too Late (Updated)
Turkish War Planes Bomb the Kurds in Northern Iraq
GAO: Defense Dept. Fudged Travel-Expense Report
(Dec 16)
Warning Flags Flap as Administration Lobbies for Telecom Amnesty
Dec 9 - 15, 2007
(Dec 15)
Mainstream Republicans Horrified Over Apotheosis of Huckabee
(Dec 14)
Mukasey's Bizarre Reason for Hiding Info from Congress
Bush Admin: Increased Spending on Paper Shredding
Plan B for Dems: Stop Whining & Find Your Message
(Dec 13)
Odd Reporting on House Budget Bill
Why Religion is a Problem for GOP candidates
(Dec 12)
Something's Amiss at Gallup: Approval Ratings & Mid-East Peace Talks
More on the John Kiriakou Interview and "Enhanced Interrogation"
Financial Planning New Year’s Resolutions Part II: for People Over 50
Iraq: Violence is Down, Despite Attacks & Human Rights Violations?
CIA Lawyers Authorized Destruction of Tapes?: The Plot Thickens (Updated)
Florida Congressional Candidate Grayson Fights Contractor Fraud
An Antidote to Partisan Bickering: Progress in Iraq, the NIE, & the Climate Change Conference
Another Shooting Leaves Two Students Critically Injured, Four More Wounded
(Dec 11)
Bush Wants to Polish U.S. Image?
SEC Files Suit: Beware of Fraudulent Hedge Fund Schemes
"Necessary Torture": The Interview of John Kiriakou (Updated)
Privatizing Defense Dept.'s Pathology Services: Will Taxpayers Spend More?
Financial Planning New Year’s Resolutions Part I: for People 50 and Under
(Dec 10)
Intelligence Chief Misleads Public Again
Did U.S. Govt. Officials Cover up Rape in Iraq?
Weekly Re-Cap | Dec. 2-8, 2007
The World's Cutest Endangered Rodents
I Wish God Would Let Me Vote for Sam Tancredo (updated)
Nine People in Colorado Killed or Wounded in Two Church-Related Shootings (Updated)
(Dec 9)
Did Congressional Democrats Condone the CIA's Secret Interrogation Program? (Updated)
NBC Green Lights White-House-Linked Group's Ad
Investigations Launched re: CIA's Destruction of Torture Tapes
Dec 2 - 8, 2007
(Dec 8)
Captain Ed: "An Executive Branch that Can Do Whatever It Pleases"
CIA Advised Not to Destroy the Tapes (Updated Again)
Bush: No Recollection of Being Made Aware of Any Tapes (Updated)
Gov. Romney's Discourse on Faith Offends Some; Is Too Little and Too Late for Others (Updated)
(Dec 7)
Nebraska Shopping Mall Gunman Wanted to be Famous (Updated)
Huckabee Claims a Key Endorsement (Updated)
CIA Destroyed Evidence of Torture Sessions
Bush Wants New Agency Domestic-Spying : Congress should be Skeptical
(Dec 6)
$1 Billion (More) in Military Hardware Missing in Iraq
More Confusing Statements About Iraq War
Car Bombs Kill 25 and Wound 65, Gates in Iraq for News Conference
(Dec 5)
Romney Fired Illegal Workers after Media Spotlighted the Issue
White House Blocks Fitzgerald's Cooperation
Bush versus the NIE: Buck Naked Bloggerama
TT#21 | 13 Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic
(Dec 4)
Podhoretz Digests the NIE, Finds It Doesn't Agree
Better Late than Never: The Truth About Iranian Nuclear Weapons Development?
Stem Cell Researchers Slam Bush Administration for Standing in the Way of Science
(Dec 3)
Can Romney Take the Religion Out of GOP Politics?
Venezuelans Say President Can't Hold Office Forever
Looking Under The Rug: Whatever Came of... The 190,000 U.S. weapons that were lost in Iraq?
Again, FDA Promotes Pharma's Interests
Giuliani's Bit of Trouble (Updated)
Weekly Re-Cap | Nov. 24 - Dec. 1, 2007
(Dec 2)
Hillary Clinton's Crisis & Althouse's Commentary
Nov 25 - Dec 1, 2007
(Dec 1)
Moderate Republicans & Independents! Why Haven't You Signed The Letter?
Is Rove Re-Writing History? Ex-White House Staffers Think So
New Stem Cell Research 'Vindicates' Sweet F.A.
White House Whines About Congressional Oversight: Valid Complaint?
(Nov 30)
Journalist Helped Sec. Rice Manipulate the Public
Hillary's Aides Taken Hostage in New Hampshire [Updated]
Rudy Giuliani: "Chronic Mendacity"?
Republican Bloggers Angry About CNN/YouTube Debate [Updated]
Court Orders Govt. to Turn Over Telecom Lobbying Data
Chicago Tribune Admits Klein's Error, Time Still Proudly Defensive
(Nov 29)
Leahy Challenges Bush's Executive-Privilege Claim re: Fired U.S. Attorney Probe
(Nov 28)
Hillary, Colin Powell, & "the Era of Cowboy Diplomacy"
TT # 20 | 13 Hippie Songs About War and the Age of Aquarius
Defense Secretary Says Military Alone Can't Protect U.S. Interests
US & Iraq Trade Friendship Rings; Cynics Say Tail Wagged Dog
Blackwater Faces Civil Suit over Iraqi-Civilian Shootings
Time -- Please Just Admit Errors, Apologize, and Start Questioning Sources' Claims
(Nov 27)
British Teacher Facing 40 Lashes in Sudan
Pentagon Wants Refund of Wounded Vets' Signing Bonuses?
Former House Speaker Hastert's Resignation Effective Last Night
(Nov 26)
Is Trent Lott Resigning so He Can Lobby?
(Nov 25)
Most Americans Believe Administration Ignored 9/11 Warnings? [Updated]
Nov 18 - Nov 24, 2007
(Nov 24)
Why the War Hawks Fail to Persuade (Part 2)
Why the War Hawks Fail to Persuade
A Jolly Musical Tribute to Gordon Brown and a Brief Reflection on Political Discourse
(Nov 23)
Bombs Kill 26 in Iraq: Has Violence Declined?
What Would Nixon Have Done with this Technology?
Outrage Brews After Ex-White House Aide Says He Gave False Info About Plame Leak: Was he Ordered to?
(Nov 22)
"Freedom Shall Not Ring Tonight." --Disillusioned Paul Supporters Prepare to Jump Ship
Former Army Gen. Supports Troop Withdrawal
(Nov 21)
Questionable Attack on Krugman re: Social Security
Oh That's All Right Then (Saudis Explain 200 Lashes for Rape Victim)
(Nov 20)
The Guardian: Fox News Exposed! (Subject: The bleeding obvious)
New Breakthrough in Stem Cell Research?
In the Midst of a Tourist Boom, US Foreign Tourism on the Decline
FBI Forensics Tests were Faulty, Prosecutors Misled Juries: Are Innocent People in Prison? [Updated]
(Nov 19)
Christopher Hitchens on the News from Iraq
(Nov 18)
Nov 11 - Nov 17, 2007
(Nov 17)
Another Climate Change Wake-Up Call from the IPCC
Fired U.S. Attorney Builds Case Against Former Attorney General
(Nov 16)
FEMA: Poor Management or Corruption?
House Passes RESTORE Act (Updated)
John Edwards: Congress Thinks Universal Health Care is Necessary (for Congress)
Oversight Hearing: State Dept. Official's Brother Tied to Blackwater; Republicans Oppose Probe
(Nov 15)
After 6 Years and $20+ Billion, Airport Security Still Lacking
House Passes Bill: War Funds Tied to Troop Withdrawal
(Nov 14)
TT #18 | Thirteen Enthralling Photographs by Greg Kendall-Ball
Lady Bridge Champs Threatened for Anti-Bush Message
Wiretapping Probe: Has the President Changed his Mind?
FBI: US Contractors Killed 14 Iraqis Without Cause
(Nov 13)
GAO: Defense Dept. Still Bumbling Along re: Acquisitions
Alaska Republican Kott Admits to Cheating, Stealing, Lying..
Court Orders White House To Preserve Emails
Weekly Re-Cap | Nov. 3 - 10, 2007
(Nov 12)
Senior Brass: Military Strike Against Iran Currently Unnecessary
Ann Coulter: Vindicating Sen. Joseph McCarthy
(Nov 11)
Florida Republican Bathroom-Sex Scandal: Enter at Your own Risk
Nov 4 - Nov 10, 2007
(Nov 10)
National Security: Not the GOP's Property (Updated)
(Nov 9)
Why Not Give Back Mr. Rove's Dignity? [Updated]
Another Expert Explains Waterboarding to Congress (Updated)
(Nov 8)
Military Interrogator: Torture isn't Operationally Effective
GOP Gets Schooled in Climate Change
Climate Change: Ending an Irrelevant Argument
Neocons Killed US Influence Abroad?
(Nov 7)
Alan Dershowitz on Waterboarding: One Democrat's Response
Are Pundits & Politicians Mis-Assessing Public Support for Impeachment? (Updated)
(Nov 6)
The Funniest Blogger in the 2007 Weblog Finals? BN-Politics Endorses Jon Swift
US Military & Intelligence Officials Weigh in on Torture Issue (Deaf Ears Dept)
(Nov 5)
JibJab: "The Star-Spangled Banner"
What the Dow Jones Industrial Average Means to You
Giuliani and McCain Go Head to Head Over Torture
Experts Differ on Status of Iranian Weapons Program and Imminence of WWIII
(Nov 4)
Feingold Will Oppose Mukasey; Feinstein Won't. And Why:
Is Waterboarding Torture? Part 5: Schooling the Senate
Global Warming "Over-Hyped"? And How Much Hype Would be Just Right?
Nov 1 - Nov 3, 2007
(Nov 3)
Industry-Sponsored Trips for Product-Safety Officials? [Updated]
Bush Administration Blocked Critic Who Experienced Waterboarding
(Nov 2)
Rice & Others Subpoenaed in Espionage Case
Is Waterboarding Torture? Part 4: Schooling Mukasey
There's Something About Blackwater
(Nov 1)