April 27-April 30, 2008
Math is Hard...and So is Reporting on Policy
North Carolina Governor Endorses Hillary (and Poll Swings Her Way)
Four U.S. Soldiers Died in Iraq, April the Highest Death Toll Since September
The Rev. Wright Goes Global
More on the Indiana Voter ID Case and the Probable Long-Term Effects of the Supremes' Decision
Reflections on McCain's Anger Management Issues & his Much More Important Hard Right Turn
Supreme Court: Not Unconstitutional for States to Require Gov't-Issued Voter ID
The McCain Non-Option (Krugman on McCain's Tax Policies)
Pentagon to Investigate Military Analysts
Obama Helped Donor Get State Grant
Senator: Bush Adminstration Lied about Veterans' Suicide Attempts
ABC Ignores Obama's Misleading Message about Lobbyists' Money
April 20-April 26, 2008
Olbermann's Hillary Derangement Syndrome Takes Him Over the Top and Right Across the Line (Updated)
Petraeus Picked to Lead CentCom -- but What About the 190,000 Missing Weapons?
Was Rezko Linked to the Fired U.S. Attorney Scandal?
Respected Magazine Misleads Readers about Florida's Primary
(Apr 24)
Media Misleads Public about Florida, Michigan, and DNC Rules
Why Exactly Has Obama Refused to Debate Hillary in NC?Correction: Hillary won PA by 9.3% (not 10%)
Pastor Hagee Explains Why God Inflicted Katrina on the Poor of New Orleans
(Apr 23)
NY Times Contradicts Itself and Ignores Obama's Negaitve Tactics While Slamming Hillary
Hillary Wins Pennsylvania by Double Digits -- Despite Forces Working Against Her
Superdelegates Should Pick a Winner (Guest Post)
If Obama's Inevitable, Why Can't He Sew Up the Nomination? (& Why That's the Wrong Question)
(Apr 22)
Bush's Approval Ratings: Worst of Anyone's Since the Invention of the Gallup
Iran vs. Israel: Criticism from Al-Qaeda and Some Preemptive Bellicosity from Clinton
(Apr 21)
Rumors of War: Iraq
Cutting Through the Nonsense: 10 Reasons to Vote for Hillary
America Likely to be the Loser in Pennsylvania Primary?
Who's Using Republican Tactics? Hillary Answers Obama's Misleading Attack Ad re: Hillary's Health Care Plan
(Apr 20)
April 13-April 19, 2008
(Apr 19)
The Media's Role in the Obama Phenomenon as a Sign of a Deeper Trend
Democrats Do Want Change -- in DNC Leadership
This Just In: Obama Launches 'Republican-Style attacks' on McCain!
(Apr 18)
(Apr 17)
The Coming Military Technology: Cyber-Soldiers
Iraq 2006: Even Bush Didn't Believe What He Was Telling Us
(Apr 16)
The Mainstream Press Addresses Obama's Claims of Independence from Special Interests
The Daily Show Does Bitter-Gate
First Civilian Contractor on Trial for Allegedly Stabbing another Contractor
(Apr 15)
IRS Contractors Cost Taxpayers More than They Collect
(Apr 14)
Co-Payments for Life-Preserving Drugs Going Sky-High
The Bush Administration: A 'Constitutional Dictatorship' Primed to Lead Us Even Further Up the Creek?
(Apr 13)
The Chinese and the West: Talking at Cross-Purposes?
"Journalist" Says Gore & Carter Will Try to Push Hillary Out?
"Why Does Al Gore Hate the Press?"
The Daily Show's Tribute to Fox News
Bush Aware of National Security Team's Discussions of Torture
April 6-April 12, 2008
(Apr 12)
Another Whistle Blower Says Telecom has Domestic-Spying System
Obama Critic Quits Radio Show Over Hatred?
Bush's Newest Domestic Spying Program
Obama on Pennsylvanians: Just Words -- but the Wrong Ones
Protest Against Media Bias a Success
(Apr 11)
HIllary Gets 270+ Endorsements from Officials in PA
10 More Dead in Iraq; What Does This Say About Us? (John Cole Discusses)
Sources Tell ABC News: Bush Administration Officials Participated in War Crimes
Indiana School Allowed Obama but Not Hillary to Speak?
H.U.D. Anniversary and Film Screening
Jon Stewart: Obama Wins 'Dick Move of the Week'
(Apr 10)
Elton John on the Hillary-Baiters: "I Say to Hell with Them"
Camille Paglia -- "Pumping and Pumping Her Narcissistic Bellows Like a Steam Engine" -- Holds Forth Some More About Hillary
(Apr 9)
The Administration's Secret Plans for A Lasting US Presence in Iraq
Petraeus Speaks about War (but not the 190,000 Weapons Lost in Iraq)
Hillary Nails it on Iraqi Oil Allocation
(Apr 8)
ABC Slants Soldiers' Support for Presidential Candidates
Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?: Media's Clinton 'Storyline' Revealed
Hillary Picks up Another Super-Delegate
Siegelman on the Scrushy Donation
Protest re: Media Bias in NYC this Friday
Surge Still "Working": Five More U.S. Soldiers Die in Iraq
Media Bias Bigger than Presidential Race: Smack Down is Overdue
In Illinois, Religious Legislator Blasts Atheist Activist
(Apr 7)
TPM: Will Hillary Put Mark Penn Out to Pasture or Just Geld Him?
Clinton Strategist Mark Penn's Stumbles Finally Lead to a Fall
Condi Rice Wants to be Vice President?
Bush to Deploy More Troops to Afghanistan: is a Draft Ultimately Coming?
(Apr 6)
Hugh Hewitt on Hillary's Bookbag---Wry Witticism or Sad Lack of Life Experience?
Shortage of Primary Care Providers Proves an Obstacle to Universal Coverage
State Dept. to Renew Blackwater's Contract?
Hillary Nails it on Education after Speech about Dr. King
Donors Demand Refunds from DNC over Florida & Michigan
Mar 30 - Apr 5, 2008
(Apr 5)
Clinton Tax Returns: Success and Charity
Nation Loses More Jobs in March
Another Obama Advisor Says what Obama "Doesn't" Mean
Rasmussen: Hillary Would be Well Ahead if Dems Used 'Winner Take All"
(Apr 4)
Deja Vu: New NIE Says Security Improved in Iraq?
China's Preparation for the Olympics: Arresting Dissidents?
Mukasey Unwittingly Indicates Administration was Incompetent or Dishonest
Maya Angelou Urges Hillary to Persevere
(Apr 3)
Howard Dean & the FL delegates: No nomination Without (Partial) Representation!
Hillary on Mad Money
Inspector General Investigates the DoJ's Firing of Exemplary Prosecutor
(Apr 2)
(Apr 1)
(Update) A Reply by the Liberal Journal to a Note from the Pro-Hillary Blogs to the Pro-Obama Ones
Google Assisting the CIA?
DNC Off the Hook---at Least for Now---for Florida
(Mar 31)
Bush Administration Still Bungling the Katrina Rebuilding Effort
Bush Booed While Throwing First Pitch at Baseball Game (video)
(Mar 30)
An Elephant Paints His Own Self-Portrait
Al-Sadr's Offer to End Fighting in Basra
Obama Says He's OK With Hillary's Staying in the Race
Mar 23-Mar 29, 2008
(Mar 29)
Madeline Albright's Insights and Wit
The Obama Rules v. the Clinton Rules Illustrated: the Carville flap
Contractor Supplies Bad Ammo, Gets Hundreds of Millions
(Mar 28)
Hillary's Health Care Plan, One Way to Help Pay for it
Presidential Primary Polls Conflict: Pick the One You Like?
Siegelman Release "A Big Win in a Very Long War" (Update)
Big Dem Donors Stage Intervention: They Want Primaries to Continue [Update]
(Mar 27)
Hillary and Obama to Supporters: "Don't Vote for McCain."
'The Gathering Storm': One Democrat's Analysis of Anti-Obama Feeling Among Democrats
The Surge: You Know It's a Success When It Stops Working
Senators Question Bear Stearns Bail Out
Murtha Confident in Hillary's Problem-Solving Skills
(Mar 26)
Attention, My Fellow Democrats: McCain is Bush v.2.0.
(Mar 25)
Obama Aides Upset that Hillary Discusses Mortgage Crisis
More Turmoil in Iraq: Maybe the Surge Hasn't been Working
(Mar 24)
Hillary, Obama and the Electoral College
A Rebuke to Obama for the McCarthy Slur
(Mar 23)
Criticism of Candidates Is Not a Personal Attack on Supporters
Unsettling News about Americans' Life Expectancy
Obama's Advisers: Less Progressive than Advertised?
Is it 'Gall' or 'Clinton Entitlement' for HRC to Propose that Obama Take the VP Slot?
Mar 16-Mar 22, 2008
(Mar 22)
Richardson's Excruciatingly Staged Endorsement Speech
Note to my Fellow Dems: Lighten Up, or It will be Raining McCain (Illustrative Video Included)
Dept of Desperate Diversions: Obama Aide Compares Bill Clinton to Joseph McCarthy
Carville on the Ingratitude of Bill Richardson
Pelosi Met with Dalai Lama re: Tibet
(Mar 21)
Krugman Gives Historical Perspective on our Economic Woes
Jon Stewart on Iraq War Anniversary
Clinton's, McCain's and Obama's Passport Files Breached
Richardson Endorses Obama, Praises him as a Unifier?
Flag Officers Explain Why Hillary Would be a Better Commander-in-Chief
Bush's Disturbing Rhetoric: Iran a "Nuclear Threat"
(Mar 20)
Executive Director of NY Civil Rights Coalition: "Obama Blew It"
Irish Prime Minister Confirms Hillary's Significant Role in the Peace Process
CNN Poll Shows that 71% of Americans Think Iraq War Spending Hurt Economy
Fight Back Against ABC's Ridiculous (& Pointless) Innuendo Against Hillary
GOP Blocks Witnesses from Testifying about Credit Card Companies
Hillary Doing Better in Two Polls
Bush's Approval Ratings Hits New Low Again
(Mar 19)
Flag Rank Officers & "Out of Iraq" Caucus Endorse Hillary
Obama's Speech: Not without Inconsistencies [Updated]
McCain Unfamiliar with Iraq's Warring Factions?
Supreme Court "Poised to Strike Down the Handgun Ban"?
John Murtha Endorses Hillary Clinton; Clinton's Lead in Pennsylvania Grows
Stock Prices Surge after Fed Cuts Interest Rates
(Mar 18)
Judge Pressures Bush Administration about Missing Emails
Wall Streeters Become "Welfare Clients" (Again)
(Mar 17)
Clinton Speaks On Her Plan to End the Iraq War Responsibly
J.P Morgan to Buy Bear Stearns, Government to Help
Why I Support the Boycotters of Kos
DailyKos Blogger Stands up to Hillary Bashing
Mar 9-Mar 15, 2008
(Mar 15)
The Media & Obama: Good Intentions Paving a Rough Road
House Passes FISA Bill without Immunity but....
(Mar 14)
Petraeus Not Satisfied with Iraqi Progress Toward Political Reconciliation
ABC News Gets Copy of Pentagon Study; No Link Between Saddam and Al-Qaeda
House Holds Secret FISA session at Republicans Request
The Democratic Campaign Grows Even Uglier
Penn Makes Silly Statement, USA Today Blog Fuels Fire with Partial Quote
Pentagon Won't Publicly Release Iraq Report, After All
(Mar 13)
Legal Abuses and FBI's Data Mining
Olbermann's Hillary Comments about Ferraro, More Campaiging for Obama
McCain's Spiritual Adviser Advises: "Destroy Islam"
(Mar 12)
Obama Campaign Uses Bush Tactics in Fundraising Email
Florida Plans for a Mail-in Do-Over; Florida Dems in Congress Say "Uh, No" (update)
Spitzer to Resign? More on His Predilection for Prostitutes & Why It's Got Him in Such Hot Water
Gilligan's Mary Ann Busted for Pot
Obama Wins Mississippi: CNN & AP (Questionably) Say Race was a Factor
(Mar 11)
Clinton Smearers Played Dirty re: Muslim Comment
Cool-Headed Commander Retiring Early
Studies Suggest Pro-Obama (or Anti-Hillary) Media Bias
No Quarter's List Of Obama's NAFTA-Gate Statements
House Judiciary Committee Sues over Subpoenas re: Justice Dept. Politicization
Spitzer Should Resign....Right After Senators Vitter and Craig
(Mar 10)
Senate Panel Criticized White House's Pre-War Claims
William Kristol's Advice to John McCain
Florida & Michigan: Undeclared Surrogate Threatens Lawsuits Over Non-Issue
Climate Change Tipping Point: Sooner than We Think?
This Year's Enron: Countrywide (Might be) Investigated re: Subprime Crisis
Election 2008: Primary v. General (i.e., Electoral College)
(Mar 9)
Contractor Provided Dirty Water in Iraq, Troops Got Sick
A Democrat Wins Hastert's Seat
It's Not a Recession Till they Announce It
Mar 1-Mar 8, 2008
(Mar 8)
Al Gore: Too Useful to Waste as a Solution to the Clinton/Obama Deadlock
It's 3 AM. Who Do YOU Want Answering the Red Phone?
Bush to Veto Anti-Torture Legislation
Hillary, What are You Trying to Say?
Obama Doesn't Mean What His Advisers Say
CEOs Laugh All the Way to Bank Despite Subprime Crisis
Paxman & Samantha Power (Before Her Faux Pas)
U.S. Lost 63,000 Jobs in February
Canadian PM said Hillary's Campaign did Not Try to Reassure Canadians re: NAFTA
(Mar 7)
Was Samantha Power Secretly Working for Hillary?
Maybe 'New Politics' is All Obama's Got
This Campaign is Sooo Emotional: Should Obama Adviser be Fired? (Updated)
Housing Crisis: Prices are Dropping and Should Drop
(Mar 6)
"New" Politics? Obama "Punching" and Pushing for Hillary to Drop Out (email included)
Small Explosion in Times Square Damages Armed Forces Recruitment Station
MSNBC's Scarborough Nice to Hillary, Matthews (almost) Calls her a "B*tch"
(Mar 5)
Clinton Open to "Dream Ticket," Obama not There Yet
The FBI improperly sought personal data
Primary Results and how the Polls Compare
(Mar 4)
Today's Zogby Poll Quite Differnt from Yesterday's
AP Has Memo re: Obama Adviser's NAFTA Remarks [Updated]
Ohio and Texas: Pre-Primary Polls Conflict Again
(Mar 3)
Gov. Crist Supports New Florida Primary for Dems
Bush Moves to Protect Telecoms
Amb. Joe Wilson Defends Hillary, Questions Barack's Foreign Affairs Judgment
Hillary Clinton (Candidates' Positives, Part I)
Obama: Because I Remember (Candidates' Positives, Part II)
(Mar 1)
Florida Dems Elect Delegates for Convention
Mukasey Blocks Contempt Probe Against Bush Aides
Matt Drudge Blows Prince Harry's Cover: Some Consequences