Sep 28 - Sep 30, 2008
(Sep 30)
Did Anti-Bailout Vote Really Cause Stock-Price Drop? Bailout Fans Might Say So.
This Just In: Palin Can Name One Supreme Court Case!
The Fed to the Rescue? $630 Billion Pumped in to the Economy
Former Theater Critic Frank Rich Savages McCain's Latest Failed Political Theater of the Absurd
House Finally Passed Contracting Reforms
Nancy Pelosi Hurts GOP Feeeeeeeelings; They Retaliate by Voting Against the Bailout?
(Sep 29)
Why Didn't Obama Say It? Petraeus Said that Iraq is Not the Sort of Action Where You Expect Victory
House Rejects Bailout Plan; Markets Tank; House Goes for a Do-Over?
(Sep 28)
Door in Face Technique: Administration Dupes Congress into Accepting Bailout Deal
Is Lehman's CEO Stonewalling Congress?
Will Gonzales Roll Over on Bush?
Wall Street Execs Paid $3 Billion While Driving Economy Toward Cliff
Sep 21-Sep 27, 2008
(Sep 27)
For your consideration: Things Found Along the Campaign Trail
The Debate: Some First Reactions
A Key Moment in the Sept. 26 Debate in Oxford, Miss.
Bill Maher Interviews Chris Rock on the Debate and Related Matters
The First Debate: The Hatchet Versus the Scalpel
Sarah Palin Trainwreck Beginning to Alarm the McCain Team
(Sep 26)
Palin Trainwreck Pts 2 and 3: Will no one put us out of this woman's misery?
Tim Cunha for Congress, Florida's District 6
Largest Bank Failure in History: Govt. Seizes Washington Mutual, JP Morgan to Benefit (again)
(Sep 25)
"The Satiro-Industrial Complex": Stephen Colbert & John Stewart
Jon Swift: "Suspend the Whole Campaign"
Are Dems Caving to Paulson? [Updated]
Trainwreck: Katie Couric Interviews Sarah Palin
(Sep 24)
Schumer Asks the $550 Billion Question: Why so Much Right Now?
FBI Finally Starts Investigating Wall Street Firms
Bush Admin. Hatched Wall Street Bailout Weeks (or Months) Ago
Judiciary Committee Slams Mukasey for Letting Justice Dept. Apparently Protect Oil Company
What Could We do with $700 Billion (instead of Bailing out Wall Street Mischief Makers)?
Wall Street Bailout: Paulson Finally Admits Need for Oversight (and rewrites recent history)
(Sep 23)
Krugman Says: "Daddy Doesn't Know Best." We Say: "Our Tax Dollars? Our Rules."
Conservative Republican Opposes Bush's Bailout Plan
Wall Street Bailout: Ignore the Sales Pitch -- Bush Plan is Not the Only (or Best) Option
(Sep 22)
Largest industry bailout in history. Largest government spending splurge ever.
Bailout Plan: Dem Thinks Lobbyists Will Shaft us Taxpayers -- and Congress Will Let Them
Wall Street Bailout Plan: Dem Congressman uses F-Word; Even Gingrich is Skeptical
Wall Street Bail Out Plan and the Iraq-War-Style Sales Pitch
Pausing on the Campaign Trail, Gawking at the Train Wreck(s)
(Sep 21)
Obama on the Big Plan & "The Great Deregulator"
Pointing & Laughing on the Campaign Trail & in the Corridors of Power
After Islamabad Bombing, Pakistani President Pledges to End Terrorism
Federal Judge Rules Against Cheney: Must Keep Records
The Apocalypse of Banks & The Virtually Undebated Plan to Save the Economy
Sep 14 - Sep 20, 2008
(Sep 20)
Executives Skate out of Disaster with Millions
Economic Crises: Sen. Clinton Nails it
Bush Admin. Doctors Photos of Dead Soldiers
Here's Hoping Congress Really Thinks Through "Solutions" to Our Economic Crises
(Sep 19)
McCain would fire Cox - But, would it make a difference?
Agreement with Iraq Stalls Over Disputes About Troop/Military Contractor Immunity from Prosecution?
Jon Stewart Interview: Tony Blair
(Sep 18)
Jon Stewart Is Excited that We Taxpayers Just Bought Ourselves A Giant Insurance Company!
Obama: Plan for [Economic] Change
Waxman Looking into Lehman, AIG and Interior Department
Anti-Regulation Chickens Come Home to Roost, Stocks Down 5%
Judiciary Committee Says Mississippi Governor Playing Dirty Tricks with Ballots
(Sep 17)
Welcome to the age of corporate welfare: heads they win, tails we lose
Republicans Want to Cage Votes Based on Home Foreclosures?
Spectacles Along the Campaign Trail
Ukrainian Government Collapses; President Expresses Defiance Toward Russia
AIG's $85 Billion Bailout: See What Anti-Regulation Ideology Can Do?
(Sep 16)
Colbert on the Economy: John McCain Calms Stephen's Fears
Bailouts and Stimulus Packages: Will Congress Encourage Bad Behavior?
Lehman Brothers Declares Bankruptcy: What it Might Mean
(Sep 15)
Petraeus and Bush on Success of the Surge: "Fragile"
Mudflats Reports: Alaska Women Rally Against Palin
John McCain: Fundamentals of Our Economy Are Still Strong
Krugman: "Yikes." Imminent Collapse of Our Woefully Under-Regulated Financial System?
(Sep 14)
Palin: is it Ignorance or Dishonest Spinning?
Hurricane Ike Leaves Massive Damage Behind in Texas
SEC Charges 2 Wall Street Brokers
25 Die in California Train Crash
By Picking Palin, McCain Embraces Deception
Sep 7 - Sep 13, 2008
(Sep 13)
Tina Fey to Play Palin in SNL Sketch?
Palin's Politics of the Personal: "Stop Blogging Now!"
Catastrophic Hurricane Ike Rips into Galveston
A Hard Road for Supporters of the Good Guy Party
McCain Flip-Flop Watch: Governors Don't Have National Security Experience
(Sep 12)
Wait. "The View" has to Show the Media How It's Done?
Discreditable Campaign Tactics 101 & Bloggingheads Showdown
Is War with Pakistan Next? U.S. Kills 10 in Missile Attack
Ex Republican Senator Calls Palin "Cocky Wacko"
Democrats Cave on Offshore Drilling after Republicans Throw Tantrum
Interior Dept. Corruption Investigation: Are Some Folks Being Protected?
(Sep 11)
Palin's Appetite for Earmarks Not Limited to the Bridge to Nowhere
FactCheck.Org Rips Into the McCain Campaign for Misrepresenting FactCheck's Findings
(Sep 10)
An Intense Skeptic's Reasons for Supporting Obama
Slow, Sarcastic Clapping for McCain's Campaign Tactics
If one were planning to steal an election, what would it look like?
Lehman Might Need Bail Out but Might Not Get it
GOP Threatens to Shut Down Govt. Over Oil?
Congressman's Aide Indicted, Two Congressmen Implicated in Abramoff Scandal
(Sep 9)
Jogging Down the Campaign Trail, Giggling Incredulously
Maureen Dowd: Imaginary Hillary-Palin Cage Match
US & Iraqi Military Officials Meet with Representatives of Sunni Awakening Councils
Russia Makes Agreement with European Union Regarding Georgia
Cross-Border Missile Attack in Pakistan Aimed at Prominent Taliban Family Kills 23 Civilians
Obama Campaign Says Hello to Fund-Raising Problems
(Sep 8)
Administration Opposes Tougher Safety Standards for Skyscrapers
By Picking Palin, McCain Embraces Incompetence?
Bhutto's Widower is Pakistan's New President
The Plan for Freddie and Fannie; Our Current Dire Staits
Group to Sue Cheney over VP Records
More "Fun" with Freddie & Fannie: Did Accounting Games Inflate Freddie's Cushion?
(Sep 7)
Riding the Convention Trail: Point. Laugh. Repeat
Polish Agents Allege Existence of Secret CIA Prison Facility in Poland?
Secretary Rice's Meeting with Libya's Muammar Gaddafi
McCain's Platform Doesn't Reflect McCain's Policies
Candidates Address The Woes of Freddie and Fannie
Is Lieberman Finally Going to Get the Push?
A Plan for Freddie and Fannie? Speculation Abounds
Jon Stewart: McCain's Change is the Same as Bush's Change
Sep 1 - Sep 6, 2008
(Sep 6)
Palin Lies Like Bush And Spends Like Bush
Contractor Boeing's Workers to Strike, CEO Still Fat
Dozens of Journalists Arrested During GOP Convention
Fannie & Freddie Bail Out Coming: Taxpayers Beware
(Sep 5)
McCain Campaign Again Uses Music Without Permission
Note to Obama Campaign (Why, After Bill Clinton, Don't They Know This?): It's the FACTS, Stupid
Pentagon Recommends Shift of American Forces from Iraq to Afghanistan
New Orleans Starts Getting Back to Normal
Two Jacks in the Box: Jack Abramoff Gets 4 Years; Halliburton Subsidiary Chief Albert "Jack" Stanley Gets 7 Years and $10.8 Million to Pay in Restitution
(Sep 4)
Does the GOP Want to Lose this Election?
American Forces Kill Civilians in Pakistan
New Orleans Evacuees Return to Damage & Problems
Some Good News for Obama in the Polls
Noonan Uses Bullsh*t to Call "Bullsh*t" on McCain's VP Choice (Near Live Microphone, No Less)
(Sep 3)
Shorter Maureen Dowd: "Life of Her Party"
Tabloid-style coverage of the campaign finally blows back in the MSM's face
"Compassionate" Conservative: Gov. Palin Slashed Teenage Moms' Funding
Bush Turns a Press Conference on Hurricane Gustav Into a Discussion of Why We Need Offshore Drilling
Pakistan to Begin Inquiry Into Honor Killings; Three Arrested
The Daily Show: Hapless GOP Delegates Abandoned During Hurricane Gustav
Update 2: Palin, Pregnancy, and Political Theater
Six Dead in Washington Shooting
Obama's Economic Advisor Talks to Colbert About the Misery Index
(Sep 2)
Journalists Arrested During GOP Convention: is the First Amendment Falling out of Fashion?
Insurance that People Love to Hate: Long-Term Care Coverage & How to Choose it
(Sep 1)
Aug. 24 - Aug. 31, 2008
(Aug 31)
Judiciary Committee Sets Deadline for Subpoena Compliance
Police Raid Homes Protesters Before GOP Convention [Updated]
(Aug 30)
Our Co-Blogging Obama Delegate: Change
Hurricane Gustav Strikes Caymans, Heads for Cuba
This Hillary Supporter Says, Why Not Roll the Dice On Obama?
University of Florida Anthropologists Discover Traces of Lost Cities in the Amazon
More Campaign-Related Postings, More Political Musings...
Putin Thinks U.S. Orchestrated Georgia Conflict for Political Motives
(Aug 29)
Our Co-Blogging Obama Delegate: 2004 & 2008
Russia Looks East for Support; Finds Little Encouragement
Reactions from the stands, and from the pundits, to Obama's speech
Obama's Speech: "Now Is the Time"
Our Co-Blogging Florida Obama Delegate: After the Acclamation (Day 4)
(Aug 28)
Democratic Convention: Obama Knocks It Out of the Park
Freedom of the Press: Reporter Jailed for Filming Senators & Big Donors ON PUBLIC Property
More Democratic Convention Commentary....
Scientists Say Melting of Arctic Ice Caps May be Reaching a Tipping Point (& Related Bad News)
Airstrike in Afghanistan Investigated; Afghan Government Unhappy with the Situation
Media Watch Part 2: And Maureen Dowd Knows About Making It All About Yourself
(Aug 27)
From Our Co-blogging Obama Delegate: "Wish you were here!"
Our Co-blogging Obama Delegate: Convention Day 2: Can I keep up this pace?
ABC: FDIC Says More Bank Troubles Ahead
Hillary Calls for Unity: "No Way, No How, No McCain"
(Aug 26)
Florida Man Reacts Bizarrely to Michelle Obama's Speech
Harry Shearer (Songs of the Bushmen): "Addicted to Oil
Jon Stewart Castigates TV Reporters
Two Successful Facial Transplants
Vote For Alan Grayson, Florida Dist. 8
4 Arrested in Possible Assassination Plot Against Obama
(Aug 25)
A Florida Obama Delegate---Live--from the Convention! Democratic Party PARTY
A Florida Obama Delegate---Live!---from the Convention: Green Frontier Fest in Denver
AP's Misleading Article about Florida's & Michigan's Convention Votes
(Aug 24)
Maureen Dowd, the Redemptive Power of Misfortune, and John McCain
Brits Gone Wild? Resorts Complain of Rowdy Behavior of Brit Tourists
University of Chicago's Emergency Room Send Uninsured Non-Emergency Patients to Other Facilities
Social Security: The Reports of Its Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
A Fun Game: How Many Houses Does McCain Have?
Hillary Passed Over; Tepid Reactions to Biden from the Wimmin
Aug. 17 - Aug. 23, 2008
(Aug 23)
Our Liveblogging Florida Obama Delegate Reports on Her First Day in Denver
NY Times: Obama Picks Biden as Running Mate; McCain Responds (Updated)
Yet Another Bail Out: U.S. Car Companies Want Bigger Handout and Fewer Strings
Good News (but not Great) for Ordinary Investors: Appeals Court Upheld Sarbanes-Oxley
(Aug 22)
Fay, Gators and the Convention
More on the Threat to the Success of the Surge
More Soon-to-be-Pointless Speculation About Obama's VP Pick
Fact Check Resolves the "Controversy" Over Obama's Birth Certificate
(Aug 21)
Attack on Nearby McCain Headquarters
Soon-to-be-obsolete ramblings on the VP
Is Impeachment Coming? Probe Begins re Falsified Documents Justifying Iraq War
(Aug 20)
Anti-Regulation Guy to be Top Regulator at Energy Dept.
Gorbachev Discusses the Georgia Conflict, Blames Saakashvili
Risibly Idiotic Right Wing Smears Against Obama: Collect All Five!
Why Alan Grayson is The Congressional Candidate for Florida's Dist. 8
Maureen Dowd: Two Against the One
Update on Sasquatch: The Gorilla Suit Was a Gorilla Suit
McClellan to Obama: Don't Investigate/Prosecute War Criminals or Torturers
The Catholic League & Political Discourse: A (Mostly) Progressive Bloggerama
"Is the Tide Turning Against Obama?" Asks CNN
Crucial Progressive Bloggers Movin On and Movin Up
(Aug 19)
WMD Liveblogs the Democratic Convention! PreConvention Planning (with Video!)
McCain Claims Credit for "Improving" the Webb-Hagel Pro-Vet GI Bill?
Tense Georgian President Chews His Tie (BBC)
Ironies Abound: Catholic League Wants Two Blogs Banned from Dem Convention
The Integrity of St. McCain (With Special Reference to the "Cross in the Dirt" Story)
Right wingers, righteously Dissed
Major Progress on Stem-Cell Research
Quit Making the Dogs Dance and Just Announce the Running Mate
(Aug 18)
Maureen Dowd, Stop Making Sense, Sort Of!: Dowd on the Georgia Conflict
Warning Flags: Joe Biden as Obama's Running Mate?
Democrats Go Soft on Off-Shore Oil Drilling, Sending Logic on an Extended Vacation
New York Times: Is Jon Stewart the Most Trusted Man in America?
How Reality Vindicated Doleful "Permabear" NYU Economics Prof
(Aug 17)
Russia-Georgia Conflict: Cease Fire Agreement Reached (Update: and Key Bridge is Blown up)
Aug 10- Aug 16, 2008
(Aug 16)
Obama's So-Call "Cave" Shows Courage, Confidence, & Respect for Hillary's Supporters
Hope for a New Species or Giant Hoax? Men Claim to Have Recovered the Body of Sasquatch
Georgian Conflict: Leaders Show Increasing Anger, Russia Digs in, Civilians Suffer (A News Round-Up)
(Aug 15)
The Daily Show on Russia v. Georgia McCain & Georgia
The "Maverick No More" Ad & "The Original"--Two Pretty Awesome Ads
Obama Has an AWESOME Tax Plan! (If, um, Goolsbee & Furman Do Say So Themselves)
Republicans Who Have No Respect for [Intellectual] Property Rights
Conflict Over Separatist Enclaves Continues Amid Claims of Atrocities Against Ethnic Georgians
(Aug 14)
A "Turning Point" in the Georgian Conflict?
Many Big Corporations Don't Pay Taxes -- Including Some Federal Contractors
Gunman Killed After Murdering Arkansas Democratic Party Chair
(Aug 13)
Iraq Detainees Held in Small Crates
Federal Judge Says UC Can Deny Course Credit to Certain Applicants
"The Idea that There is a Ceasefire is Ridiculous" (Updated)
Irony Alert: Bush Lecturing Putin
(Aug 12)
Mukasey Says No Evidence of Crimes by Justice Employees
Contractors Cost Billions in Iraq -- But there's More
House Committee to Investigate Forged Evidence re: Iraq
(Aug 11)
Wolfson: But for Edwards, Hillary Would Have Won
Cokie Roberts Thinks Obama Should Have Gone to Myrtle Beach
More on the Russo-Georgian Conflict (Opinion Round-Up)
Pro-Choice Voters Should Take A Look at McCain's Record on Reproductive Rights
(Aug 10)
Iraqi Officials Want Timeline for U.S. Troop Withdrawal
Admiral Fallon Discusses US foreign policy on BBC's Newsnight
Florida Public Service Commissioners Stand up for the Public
Aug 3 - Aug 9, 2008
(Aug 9)
Georgia Declares Itself to be in a State of War Against Russia; Conflict Expands
It's the Hypocrisy, Stupid (Part 7): The John Edwards Scandal
(Aug 8)
Why Alan Grayson is The Congressional Candidate for Florida's Dist. 8
Justice Department Politicization: Conyers Demands RNC Docs re: Siegelman
(Aug 7)
Who Banned Offshore Drilling? "His Presidency Seems So Cute Now"
(Aug 6)
Tainted Campaign Cash: That's Why We Need Campaign Finance Reform
(Aug 5)
Pelosi's Shifting Rationales for Blocking Impeachment of Bush
KBR Bans the Use of Cell Phones by Employees Just Because They Can?
Obama's Speech and New Energy Plan Receives Praise (Stance on Drilling and All)
McCain Gets a Little Reward from Oil Company Executives & Employees (?)
(Aug 4)
Pelosi Stands Firm Against Offshore Drilling
Second Wave of Mortgage Foreclosures to be Even Bigger?
Why Alan Grayson is The Congressional Candidate for Florida's Dist. 8
Obama Wants to Restore Florida's and Michigan's Votes, NY Times Fails to Grasp the Situation Again
(Aug 3)
Air "Fresheners" May be a Health Hazard
Progressive Magazine Asks Obama Stop Changing Positions and Start Standing on Principles
Construction Contractor Takes Millions, Fails to Finish Buildings
Aug 1- Aug 2, 2008
(Aug 2)
Hearing on Electrocuted Soldiers and Electrical Fires in Iraq: Apparently, No one is Responsible
Heart Drug Tied to Cancer, Some People Want Quiet Debate
Watch Out Florida: Obama Signals Support for Offshore Oil Drilling
(Aug 1)
Friday Point 'n Laugh Continues: WSJ Asks, 'Is Obama Too Fit to Win the Election?' [A Bloggerama]
Jon Stewart Unleashes on McCain's Paris Hilton Ad & the Presumptuousness of McCain
Seymour Hersh: Dick Cheney's Plan for Provoking War with Iran
Harry Shearer Sings '935 Lies' (from 'Songs of the Bushmen')