June 24 - Jun 30, 2007
(Jun 30)
The Terror Detainee Case: What the Blawggers are Saying and a Peek at Some Documents.
(Jun 29)
Two London Car Bombs "Off the Radar."
Pre-Weekend (Jon Stewart) Chuckles
Car Bomb Disarmed in London, U.S. Media Obsesses
(Jun 28)
Bush Losing Republican Support for Iraq War
(Jun 27)
Paris Hilton Leaves Jail, Art and Charity on Her Mind
Cheney Abandons Claims that He's not Executive Branch Material
Griles Sentenced re: Abramoff Scandal
(Jun 26)
(Jun 25)
DC Administrative Judge Loses His $54 Million Lawsuit Over a Pair of Missing Pants.
Michael Moore: Can You Forgive Him?
Audit Red-Flags Gov. Contractor in Iraq
(Jun 24)
Iraq: "Chemical Ali" and Other Aides to Saddam Hussein Sentenced to Death.
June 17 - Jun 23, 2007
(Jun 23)
Judge Determines that Three Drug Companies engaged in Unfair and Deceptive Pricing.
They're [Bush Officials] Still Dropping Like Flies....
White House Defends Cheney's Skirting of Law
All the Weird Science My Tax Dollars Can Buy (with bonus Jon Stewart Footage!)
Feeney Sets Up Legal Defense Fund re: Abramoff Probe
(Jun 22)
Pre-Weekend Re-Cap | June 22, 2007
Wan Kim Testifies before Senate Judiciary Committee.
Yesterday's McNulty Hearing re: Justice Department Politics
(Jun 21)
Bush to Name Blair as Mideast Envoy?
(Jun 20)
Bloomberg Quits Republicans, Scares Presidential Candidates
Yet Another Constitutional Crisis: President Failed [by signing statements] to Execute Laws
Senator Wants Oil Companies to Pay Royalties Owed
(Jun 19)
OMB's Portman Resigns Before Battle
The Lost Emails and Congressional Oversight
Senators Didn't Read Intelligence Reports Before Voting for War
(Jun 18)
Iraq: Poor Planning All the Way Around
Please, Get Your Stories Straight on Iraq
Bedfellows: Bush's & Blair's Parallel Approaches to Iraq
(Jun 17)
Govt. Failing to Help Wounded Iraq Vets
Shush, Harry Reid. You'll Hurt Their Feelings!
General [Taguba] Says Rumsfeld Misled Congress re: Abu Ghraib
June 10 - Jun 16, 2007
(Jun 16)
A Parallel Iraq War [by Security Contractors]: More Deaths, More Dollars
Another DoJ Official [Mike Elston] Jumps Ship Amid Scandal
(Jun 15)
(Jun 14)
A Small Victory for the Public Interest
Republicans Blind to Hypocrisy on Earmarks
Despite Threats, Judge Orders Libby to Head to Prison
Give Domestic Surveillance a Chance: Putting the FBI's Little Missteps into Perspective.
Will Questionable Claims Lead to Another War [in Iran]?
Today: House Hearing on Bill to Protect Journalists
Obama's Lawyer Argues for Libby's Pardon
"She Thicks [Wo]Men's Blood with Cold" (Hillary Clinton, Part 2).
(Jun 13)
Prosecutor Wants Libby in Jail Now
Committees Subpoena Ex-Administration Officials re: U.S. Attorneys
Bush Sounds Once More the Rusty Clarion Call to Vigilance Against, and Fear of, "Evil."
(Jun 12)
When Entertainment Meets Journalism
DoJ's Schlozman Alters Testimony and Looks for Loophole
Appeals Court Reigns in Administration (a tad)
President Out to Lunch with Senate re: Immigration
(Jun 11)
What Do You Think of Sopranos Finale?
Today: Senate No Confidence Vote on Gonzales
(Jun 10)
Weekly Re-Cap | June 3 -9, 2007
Drug Causes Man to Bleed Green, like Spock
June 3 - Jun 9, 2007
(Jun 9)
A Question Worth Asking [Emissions Bill]
(Jun 8)
Krugman Mostly Dead-On [About Media]
Pre-Weekend News Update (June 8, 2007)
Senate No-Confidence Vote on Gonzales This Monday
Paris Hilton Ordered Back to Jail
General Pace to be Booted off Joint Chiefs
Jefferson Pleads "Not Guilty" re: Bribes
Federici Pleads Guilty, will Help w/ Abramoff Probe
Prosecutor Challenges Paris Hilton's Mansion-Arrest (w/updates)
Immigration Bill Defeated, White House Still Hopeful
(Jun 7)
Congressman [Darrell Issa] Calls for Earmark Disclosure
Cheney More Involved in Wiretapping than He'd Admitted?
Cheney Asked to Butt out re: Libby's Pardon and Prosecution
Today's Senate Hearing on Deception and Intimidation of Voters
Sen. Stevens Not Target of Corruption Investigation?
(Jun 6)
The Republican Debate: Damozel's Liveblogging Favorites.
To Pardon or Not to Pardon (Scooter Libby)?
Can Iraqi Parliament End U.S. Occupation?
Partisan Feud over Which Party is More Corrupt?
New York Times Tribute to Steve Gilliard & Donation Link
Todd Graves' Testimony: His Memory Worked
Schlozman Testimony: An "I Don't Recall" Avalanche
Hearing Tomorrow: Did the FDA Endanger Diabetics?
Damozel's Quote[s] of the Week: Conservative Jon Swift with Not One, but Two, Modest Proposals.
Salon Casts a Cold Eye on Richardson, "The Democratic Don Quixote"
(Jun 5)
Interview with Joseph Wilson at Truthout.
Bush's Dilemma: The Sentencing of Scooter Libby.
A Buyer's Market: Photo Ops with Bush Now at Bargain Prices!
Scooter Libby Gets Prison and Fine: Is that the End of It?
(Jun 4)
Irony and Strange Strategies Seize GOP
Dem Congressman [William Jefferson] Faces 94-page Indictment
Retired Lt. General [Ricardo Sanchez] Says We Can't Win in Iraq
"She Thicks Men's Blood with Cold." Hillary, Dominating.
(Jun 3)
Karl Rove Tied to Dem Governor's [Siegelman's] Prosecution
Crime: an Ounce of Prevention or Billions of Dollars in Knee-Jerk Reactions?
May 27 - Jun 2, 2007
(Jun 2)
Bill O'Reilly's Endangered America (includes bonus compilation of blogger reactions!)
Is Virtual Crime on the Increase?
Terrorist Plot Foiled, 16 Months After Discovered
Reality Checks for 2 June 2007. Bush's Life and Hard Times.
Immigration Reform: The Battle Between Main Street and Wall Street Republicans
(Jun 1)
What, No Love for the Greener, Environmentally Friendly, Friend-of the-Earth Bush?
Contractor Fraud: Driving up Healthcare Costs?
Senate Takes Swipe at Secret CIA Prisons, Seeks to Learn What Bush Knew Before Invading Iraq
Another U.S. Attorney Targeted for Political Reasons?
(May 31)
A Military Nonexpert Considers the President's Multigenerational Iraq Strategy and The Alternatives.
Recent News Clips | May 31, 2007
Tim Griffin: from Rove's Lap, to Justice Department, to Presidential Campaign?
Immigration Bill: House Plots to Give Senate a "Blue Slip"
(May 30)
The Daily Show: [Gore] Assault on Reason
Conservatives Club Each Other Over Immigration Bill
Boeing Faces Suit over CIA's Secret Abductions
Ernst & Young Partners Face Charges, Firm doesn't
Bush's Interesting World Bank Appointment
Fox News Guest: Only a Military Coup Can Restore Our Values.
(May 29)
Get with the Program: More Funds = Longer War
The Student Loan Scams that Could've Been Stopped
Krugman on War Rhetoric and Flip-Flopping
After Chesterton (An Ode to a Certain Mr. "Smith"* Who Went to Washington and then to War).
(May 28)
Experts Poo-Poo War Rhetoric, Candidates Use it Anyway
Gimme that [Real] Old-Time Religion....and that Old Time Separation Between Church and State
Mile-Long Memorial by Veterans for Peace (Gainesville, FL)
The Southern Lady's Favorite Republican Candidate.
(May 27)
Weekly Re-Cap | May 20 - 26, 2007
High Cost of Defense: DoD Rewarding Bad Contactor-Performance?
Trying to Tax the Internet Again?
Jon Stewart Finds Holes in Justice Department Testimony
Declassified Pre-War Intelligence Report
May 20 - May 26, 2007
(May 26)
The Very Troubling Poll and the Price of Freedom.
Rudy Plays the "Anti-Troop" and "Flip Flop" Cards--on the Same Day
(May 25)
Explosive Oil Scandal in the Pipeline
Worse Than We Thought [Climate Change]
Damozel's Quote of the Week [Marines Protest use of fear by Republicans]
Bush Gets Crapped On. No, Literally. (Quote O' the Day for 25 May 2006).
Heartbroken Republican Voters Break Up With McCain.
Bush Gets Whacked in the Court of Public Opinion
"Aggressive Interrogation Techniques" Part 2 (ATTN: Republican Candidates).
(May 24)
(May 23)
Good Girl (After Stevie Smith).
Little Man, You've Had Some Busy Days [Blair]
This Administration's Monica: Loyal to a Massive Fault?
Joe Lieberman's Still A Democrat?
FDA's Latest Pharma-Friendly Sins
"Aggressive Interrogation Techniques" versus The American Way.
(May 22)
President Does Tammy Wynette Proud (again)
Florida Finally Bans Paperless Voting
Walking a Mile in Their (Swiss-Cheesed) Shoes
Ex-U.S. Attorney Thinks DoJ Officials in Cover-up Mode
McCain Harshes on the Varmint Hunter's Immigration Policies; I Consider Certain Alleged Practices.
(May 21)
SEC Charges Former Wall Streeter [Fingerhut] re: 10-year Fraud Scheme
(May 20)
May 12 - May 19, 2007
(May 19)
(May 16)
(May 15)
Big Head [McNulty] Rolls at Justice Department
They Did What? [Medicare]
(May 14)
On the Horizon: 2004 Ohio Election Scrutinized Again
Sen. Mel Martinez faces FEC ComplaintPharma-paid Doctors Write Risky Scrips for Kids
The Giuliani Campaign has a New York Moment; John McCain Steps Up (or In).
(May 13)