by D. Cupples | Via Memeorandum, the New York Times tells us:
The Tea Party movement scored another victory on Tuesday, helping to propel a dissident Republican, Christine O’Donnell, to an upset win over Representative Michael N. Castle in the race for the United States Senate nomination in Delaware.
Mr. Castle, a moderate Republican who served two terms as governor and had been reliably winning elections for the last four decades, became the latest establishment Republican casualty of the primary election season. Republican leaders said the victory by Ms. O’Donnell complicated the party’s chances of winning control of the Senate.
Who am I to criticize another state's voters? I'm from Gainesville, Florida--home of the (thankfully) abandoned Koran-burning plot that got as much national media attention as our Fighting Gator football team gets when it wins a championship game.
According to Chris Cilliza, Ms. O'Donnell's victory gives Delaware Democrats a better shot at taking that senate seat during the general election. I guess we'll see.