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August 20, 2010


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This is a very good idea! Just want to say thank you for the information, you have to share. Just continue to write such a position. I will be your faithful reader. Thank you again.
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daniel noe

Growing up I always had the impression that the FDA made things TOO hard for drug companies trying to get approval, overregulating and barring some potentially life-saving drugs from production entirely. I also know that the time it takes to get approval is so long that drug makers have few years to make a profit before their patents run out. Now I hear more and more stories like this one.
I'm not sure which problem is worse (too few drugs, or too many), but either way it may be time for an overhaul.

John Carter

the FDA controls too much in my opinion.. we should stop depending so much on them...


no matter what the FDA does, they are the authority on this matter, we can't stop them so we have to trust them , questioning whatever they do is in vein

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