by Damozel | Neener neener! Ha ha ha! (as Big Tent Democrat is wont to say, speaking for me only).
Many progressives are disturbed by the award. Tas of Comments from Left Field calls it ridiculous. .
If the “feeling” about Obama is the “game changer”, then why not award the Nobel Peace Prize to the entire American electorate? After all, we’re the ones whose feelings have changed — as shown by us collectively doing as much as possible to remove Republicans from power in Washington and treat the world better....
This prize should only be awarded to those who, as can be shown empirically, brought more peace to the world. To throw the prize at Obama — or anybody else — who simply causes the Nobel committee to “feel good” only cheapens the award.
Maria of Crooked Timber wrote the post to which Tas is reacting.
[T]his isn’t about domestic politics, or about what he’s done yet. President Obama has changed how the world feels about America. He’s lifted the planet’s mood. This guy is global Prozac.
There’s more to it than just the Bush presidency being a total downer for everyone in the world who cares about multi-lateralism or just wants to do business with the US. The tidal wave of bad faith Bush’s presidency created washed away any chance of progress in so many international initiatives.
Obama’s not a game changer per se, but he’s changed how people feel about playing the game, or whether they even want to.
Or, as the Nobel committee says;
“Obama has as president created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play”.
Big Tent Democrat at Talk Left thinks Obama should turn it down. "Just because the Nobel Committee wants to make fools of themselves, Obama should not have to play along."
Adam Bink at Open Left says:
Nobels should be awarded for real accomplishments. Words and good intentions are not actions, and while Obama has helped move things along in areas like re-engaging the U.S. in world diplomacy... there remains a glaring lack of significant accomplishment.
Gawker agrees.
Th[e] reaction should be: Thanks but no thanks. Obama has accomplished quite literally nothing in terms of reducing the number or intensity of wars on this planet. The Nobel Committee's own statement attributes the award to his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." As for his extraordinary accomplishments in those arenas, well—"A" for Effort!...
If he rejects it, he still gets to say that he was awarded it, and at the same time appear humble and self-aware. Let's see how he does over the next four (or eight) years before we start handing out the gold stars.
Sure it's a bit f****ing previous, but Peterr at FDL sees the sweet side, as set forth in the press release:
The prize itself is one thing, but in four brief paragraphs, the Nobel Committee draws some stark contrasts between Obama and . . . how to put this? . . . other recent leaders on the world stage.
But let's not ignore the point-n-laugh factor .John Cole is just enjoying the side effects -- as am I.
Not sure why he was given it, other than as a repudiation of the Bush way of doing things, but man I am enjoying the freak-out from the usual suspects.
Allahpundit sounds like he is about to stroke out, Breitbart probably won’t speak for two weeks.....There should be some pretty quality stuff coming from the wingnuts who just 24 hours ago were getting themselves worked into a froth over the art in the White House.
Blue Texan agrees: "This is going to be so much fun." Go here for his round-up of wingnut angst. Wonkette: "O, yes, today will be like 9/11 x War x Twitter for the batshit section of the Internet today."
Brad at Sadly, No! says he loves days like today:
While I don’t think Obama deserved to win the Nobel Peace Prize, I applaud the committee for giving it to him just to see the hilarious reaction it’s produced here at home. Many, many stupid things have been said about this story already today, but it’ll be tough to top Erick “The Dim” Erickson:
I did not realize the Nobel Peace Prize had an affirmative action quota for it, but that is the only thing I can think of for this news.
He also points out that conservatives have rarely liked any Nobel Prize laureate. But this may be the funniest conservative reaction EVER.
Also -- ha ha ha ha heeeee! --- this, from Wonkette:
The DNC has overreacted to the GOP’s overreaction, and now this whole Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize to-do is just an infinite regress of hyperbole. Cue Brad Woodhouse, DNC Communications Director: “The Republican Party has thrown in its lot with the terrorists – the Taliban and Hamas this morning – in criticizing the President for receiving the Nobel Peace prize.” Brad Woodhouse, no! Can someone please pause the Internet? We are nearing some sort of event horizon of rationality.
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RE: Affirmative Action Peace Prize
Bush warned of the soft prejudice of the Western Europeans' low expectations, didn't he? And old Also-Slick Downtown Willie Brown, former San Franfisto mayor, etc. has asked "What's next for Obama, sainthood?"
And that's it, ain't it? Obama, to many, is a secular saint. To too many, he's something like the reincarnation of Lady Diana Spencer.
Posted by: flowerplough | October 11, 2009 at 03:15 PM