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« Keith Olbermann's Eloquent Hour Long Special Comment on Health Care System Failures: A Personal Account | Main | Obama Wins the Nobel Peace Prize »

October 09, 2009



I have no doubt that there are millions of Americans who support healthcare reform of some kind. In fairness, Republicans have been trying to chip away at Medicare for generations with plans for Health savings accounts and efforts in the private sector. Democrats have been pushing for a government-run plan for generations. Conservatives have been calling for tort reform for decades. Liberals have been insisting that we move toward a single-payer model since the Great Depression. Americans clearly want something to be done in regards to healthcare reform, but does this mean that they want an entirely new system or to hand over the current system to the federal government? Of course not.

Americans want the best value for their healthcare dollar; they want competition, they want choices; they want to know that their doctors and health professionals have their best interest in mind; they want affordable healthcare coverage; and they want to be able to refrain from purchasing it if they so choose. The truth is we do genuinely need healthcare reform on some level, but assuming that the public option is the something that all Americans are asking for is simply misguided and deceptive. Just because Americans want something does not for a second mean that they want Everything.


If we can look to the polls for what Americans say they want, they DO want a public option, which is competition for the private insurers. It's useful for those who would like to derail reform to say that it's all murky and that we don't know what Americans want, but it's also, as tchristopher puts it, "simply misguided and deceptive." A public option is consistently supported by majorities in polling on the issue.

As for "handing the system over to the government," that's simply not what a public option is. Reform that includes a public option would not force anyone happy with their current private insurer to change their provider. I agree that we want the best value for our healthcare dollar. Why not let us choose?

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