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October 27, 2009



Alan Grayson Apologizes for "K Street Whore" Comment

Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida has apologized for calling an adviser to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke a "K Street whore."

"I offer my sincere apology to Linda Robertson, an adviser to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke," Grayson said in a statement emailed to reporters. "I did not intend to use a term that is often, and correctly, seen as disrespectful of women."

(translation: I'm Alan Grayson, and Linda Robertson isn't a whore. And I'm not a whore, either. I'm a p*ssy.)

Hugh Breyer

Grayson is right to call out the lack of competence and expertise on these poseurs at the Fed (and in general the Republicans). Apologies are a sign of weakness not civility. Since when did the Republicanoids and their Etruscan fellow-travellers issue guilt-laden statements about ruining our economy whilst their Wall Street Cartels issue super-sized bonuses to their Brooks Brothers office mates? Like, never! "Lack of candor" is what PJ O'Rourke and his ersatz cliche' driven pundit friends on talk-radio smugly call the social effects of massive unemployment, homelessness, and slow-death through lack of medical care, as if 8 years of Bush can be whisked away so cleverly. But it can be expunged because, after all, we now have the Tea Party! This self righteous group of mumbling drooling idiots with their High School diplomas walking around quoting Jefferson from their John Birch Society pamphlets.

So, Cong. Grayson, I applaud your direct appeal to intelligence using the only weapon Americans seem to understand which is "Confrontational Politics" ala Rush, Sean, and the other melange of perfunctory motor mouths filling the empty air-space like a wet inert gas.

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