by bartleby the scrivener | I'd be lying if I said I was shocked, given the rhetoric that's been coming from the right since the election. As Wonkette remarks, "We’re surprised there aren’t 10,000 of these polls on the Facebook at all times, what with the “racism + Internet + basic typing ability” quandary so many have become acquainted with in recent years."
"If ignorance is bliss, why are these people so unhappy?" asks Watertiger of FDL.
Rachel Sladja of TPM reported:
A Facebook poll -- apparently advocating assassination -- has cropped up, with the question, "Should Obama be killed?".... The answer choices are Yes, No, If he cuts my health care, and Maybe.
These polls are part of an application run by an outside party, not Facebook itself.
An ancillary poll has also popped up: "Should the person who created the 'Should Obama be Killed Poll' be arrested?"
The Secret Service says that they are taking the poll seriously. (AP) The developer of the application that hosted the poll posted this note to Kos, stating that he is an Obama supporter and that he had no knowledge of or involvement in the poll.
"I’ve really had enough of this shit," comments Wonkette commentariat member, BadKitty. Amen.
Meanwhile, the sun never sets on Crazytown, USA. Watertiger at FDL writes:
A pulsating black hole of stupidity threatened to suck St. Louis into its gaping maw last weekend. While Missouri residents narrowly escaped certain death by dumbness when the How to Take Back America conference convened at the Hilton, conference attendees happily wallowed in the muck of ignorant vitriol and conspiracy theories spewed by a panoply of Eagle Forum "speakers", including Zombie Phyllis Schlafly, Michele...Bachmann, and Steve...King (R-IA)....
[T]he real hero of the conference was Kitty Werthmann, an 86 year-old Austrian expatriate who heads up the South Dakota chapter of the Eagle Forum. Lecturing on "How to Recognize Living Under Nazis and Communists", Ms. Werthmann tapped into the poisonous wellspring of the Republican zeitgeist -- drawing illogical comparisons between President Obama to Adolf Hitler.
Think Progress reports:
During her session, Werthmann went through a litany of examples of how President Obama is like Adolf Hitler. She noted that Hitler, who acted “like an American politician,” was “elected in a 100% Christian nation.” Although she failed to once mention Antisemitism or militarism, Werthmann explained how universal healthcare, an Equal Rights Amendment, and increased taxes were telltale signs of Nazism. Werthmann also warned the audience:
If we had our guns, we would have fought a bloody battle. So, keep your guns, and buy more guns, and buy ammunition. [...] Take back America. Don’t let them take the country into Socialism. And I refer again, Hitler’s party was National Socialism. [...] And that’s what we are having here right now, which is bordering on Marxism. (emphasis added)
This is what happens when people don't understand either history or logic.
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