A couple weeks ago, Huffington Post featured Ann Minch, a woman who says she never missed a payment on her credit card, yet Bank of America raised her interest rate to 30% this summer. Why? Because it could -- and the execs running BofA like increasing revenue , as that's how they increase their compensation packages.
Congress shouldn't allow such apparent usury. Period. Here's a taste of Ms. Minch's commentary:
"The biggest rip off in the history of the world is padding your bonus checks with the federal government as your co-conspirators. [A reference to the Wall Street bailouts, no doubt] Every single one of you should be rotting in prison."
Anyway, on ABC this morning, I saw a YouTube video of Ann Minch, who apparently is leading a debtor's revolt. It's only 4 1/2 minutes. Over the past couple weeks, Ms. Minch's video has already had more than 300,000 viewers.