From the Congressman's website:
This bill offers you an option that you don’t have now, a public option. It promotes competition by requiring insurance companies to compete against a public or non-profit option, which the Government will not subsidize. In most areas, the top one or two insurance companies provide up to 80% of the coverage, so more competition is desperately needed. The public option will be based on the existing Medicare network, for those Medicare providers who want to participate. No one – no one – will be required to accept the public option; that’s why it’s called an “option.”...
Here are some things that the bill won’t do: It won’t give coverage to illegal aliens. It won’t ration health care. It won’t establish “death panels” to deny anyone care. It won’t herd people into the public option. It won’t cap doctors’ salaries. It won’t let the Government audit every business in America, or seize your computer or your bank records, or kill you. These are paranoid delusions, promoted by fear-mongers. They simply aren’t true. (emphasis added) (More)