Posted by bartleby the scrivener | Via HuffPost, Bill Maher (in pertinent part):
What got Van Jones fired was they caught him on tape saying that Republicans are assholes. And they call it "news." And Obama didn't say a word in defense of Jones and basically fired him when Glenn Beck told him to. Just like we dropped "end of life counseling" from health care reform because Sarah Palin said it meant "death panels" on her Facebook page.
Crazy evil morons make up things for Obama to do, and he does it...Mr. President, there are some people who are never going to like you. That's why they voted for the old guy and Carrie's mom. You're not going to win them over. Stand up for the 70% of Americans who aren't crazy.
And speaking of that 70% -- let's call them the sentient majority -- when are we going to actually show up in all this?...Tomorrow Glenn Beck's army of zombie retirees are marching on Washington in protest of, well, everything. It's the Million Moron March....They're at the town hall screaming at the congressman, we're on the couch screaming at the TV. (More; see full video here)
That's right. And the time is now. So what will it take for us -- and Obama -- to act?
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