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« Everything that's Wrong with the Media: Marc Ambinder on Why Progressives Are Always Wrong | Main | Dems and Libs Responsible for Drop in Obama's Polling Numbers »

August 21, 2009



Paul Krugman explains -- one more time! -- why the public option is better for everyone?

You first, then, Paul. Give up the health insurance you've got & sign yourself up for BammyCare. Lead the way. Bammy can't. Will you?

See, Paulie, right now, the "public option" is looking a bit like the electric car. I've got a car now, and I'm relatively happy with it, so why should I spend a lot more to buy an electric car that won't go nearly as far and will be much less servicable and convenient? I'd be said to have "acted stupidly" if I'd done so, hayna? Or no?


Nice post. Obama deserves a chance. Americans voted him right?


Once the public option gets rid of private insurance, there will no longer be a choice! Which then puts the survey back to only 43% approve. Nice manipulation! The power needs to be in the hands of the consumer, not the feds! Obama said it himself. Fedex and UPS are doing just fine, it's the post office that's always having trouble! Govt run healthcare will sink this economy and give terrible care! If you don't believe me, hang out at the DMV, or ask a car dealer how much they're owed for the CARS program!

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