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July 26, 2009


James Stripes

Part of former President Bush's legacy will always be his tendency to favor policies enabled by junk science from the gaffs of his aides in the Klamath River basin--who knew that salmon needed water--to his miserable failure to support the Kyoto Protocol. Even more remarkable, however: while Bush softened ever so slightly in his resistance to science, his minions have redoubled their efforts to offer distortions of the evidence in order to hinder understanding of climate change.

Had Bush taken positive actions to release these photos, he might have joined Richard Nixon as one of those ultra-conservatives that some ideologues have dubbed RINOs.


Ummm... James. You're a frickin' idjit. Anyone with half a brain could have googled these photos... and more. There was no conspiracy to keep these pics out of the public view, unless one wanted to make it such. As a matter of fact, scientists contesting the "drink-the-kool aid" view on climate change have posted numerous satellite views showing arctic/Antarctic ice has NOT receded in recent years.

Sorry to have to pee in the Holy Water... but it is what it is.

Mr. Forward

"UK Guardian Reproduces Fake Barrow Alaska Pic as Proof of Global Warming"



Actually, people couldn't simply google the photos and see them: that's what "classified" means -- and it was the ex-president (or someone who worked for him) that had classified the photos.

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