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« TPMtv's The Day in 100 Seconds (June 18, 2009) -- Iran'sTwitter-Driven Revolt | Main | Daschle Caves in on Public Health Insurance »

June 19, 2009



Maybe a boycott is in order. Please. The local Olive Garden is overcrowded, and I would appreciate y'all staying away. Live up to some of your liberal-guilt/green principles, wouldja, and walk or bike miles and miles to the nearly-nearby Farmer's Market and the health food stores so that you can pay double, triple, or more for undersized, spotty produce labelled "Locally Grown", "Organic", or "Fair Trade". Then eat your purchases raw; don't consume energy cooking food just to make it taste a little better. And what's a liberal doing in a chain restaurant, anyway, ever? The carbon footprint! The wasted food! The exploited South American children! The horror!


As Bill Maher said, flower, I am just not sure how to boycott a restaurant where I'd never eat in any case.

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Great article, i agree that it's a bit too much to pull the ads off the air. It's good food for though to wonder if a business should have a social position, regardless of the public opinion.

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For me, it somehow need boycotting.

Luigi Hanway


try workig at olive garden. you will hate them in no time.

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This learning could be from the course, from their roommates, from life, from where ever. They wrote their comment on an index card, anonymously.

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