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May 28, 2009



RE: "lots of stupid people who went to Ivy League schools.”

And Sotomayor didn’t just attend Yale Law School, she edited the Yale Law Journal? I'm impressed, at initially, but wonder if she actually did any editing, or writing? Seen any excerpts from her Yale Law Journal work? Or was she just a minority token, like Obama at Harvard, who was some kind of silent contributor, probably the only editor of a major law review who has never published a single article.


p.s. And if Scalia says, "I would hope that a wise Italian-American man with the richness of his experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a Latina woman who hasn't lived that life," is he a racist?


And with the Connecticut Firefighters' reverse discrimination case that federal appeals court judge Sonia Sotomayor and two other judges ruled on last year, issuing an unusually brief decision that went against white firefighters, Sotomayor seems likely to, if approved, be joining a Court that has just finishing overruling her in a high-profile decision.


FK obama and all the trash he has brought to this America


Typo.. To America

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