By Damozel | Apparently "senior administration officials" are considering replacing various federal agencies that failed to regulate the banks with a single agency. This would be in addition to other reforms.
Why might such a reform be necessary, you ask?
Under the current system, banks can choose their regulator.
Yes, you read that correctly..
And wait! There's more. The agencies are funded by fees from the banks that choose them and for whose custom they compete by offering more lenient oversight:
Lock the barn door! The cows are gone! Okay: kidding. It sounds like a better idea than what we've had;
At MoJo, Kevin Drum considers the notion of a single bank regulator to be long overdue. He thinks that letting the banks shop around for the most lenient regulator is a bad idea too. (Duh?) Even The Wall Street Journal refers to " the hodgepodge of federal agencies that failed to contain the financial crisis as it ballooned out of control last year."
Drum does have some reservations, and it's hard to disagree with those too:
Meanwhile, the various federal agencies that would be replaced by a single regulator under the plan currently under discussion "have dug in for a fight." (The Wall Street Journal)
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In this economic status, we need a little quick cash from time to time. If there is an unexpected emergency we go to lending establishment who offer short term loans, even in our bank stock.
Posted by: Quick Cash | June 08, 2009 at 05:24 AM