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« Good Bloggin': Dick Don't Know Jack, Swine & Flu, Excess Wretchedness and an Excess of Wretches, the Price of Vengeance and License Plate Bingo as Played in Florida | Main | Why the GOP Can't Come to Terms with Reality »

April 27, 2009



Nice article. Here's my latest web comic about the whole thing:


Try to avoid Mexican food and imports

Pasta recipes

Great article, it's so true that the world, with better transportation and higher population, might become an easier target for this kind of disease. We're always hungry for more technology, i just hope it will keep helping us though. Great food for though to think about all this. I think there is a lot on the table with everything that changed in the last century.

Cassandra is in the progress of choosing some of the top blogs(which have adequate information) to receive recognition from as a Featured Blogger. This award is not meant to be anything other than a recognition that your blog gives adequate information about tactics that directly or in directly raise disease awareness and prevent the transmission of Disease. Simply place the award banner code on your site and your blog will be listed as a Featured Blogger on Flu Wikie is a Private Global Health Watch Group, whose goal is to promote healthy living though the spread of FREE information globally. Thank you for your time and dedication to your blog! Please reply me back with the subject line as your URL to avoid spam and to make sure that you only get the award banner.

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