by Damozel | Okay, kids: "Cliff May defends America's waterboarding techniques in this complete, unedited three part interview" with Jon Stewart (after the jump). Grit your teeth down on the bullet and prepare to listen (after the jump). WARNING: Not for those who hold old-fashioned ideas about America or its role in the world or for the weak of stomach, who aren't cowards, and who don't think it's all right to sacrifice any principle to protect your own skin..
Part 1:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
Cliff May Unedited Interview Pt. 1 | ||||
Part 2:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
Cliff May Unedited Interview Pt. 2 | ||||
Part 2:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
Cliff May Unedited Interview Pt. 3 | ||||
Andrew Sullivan, with whom I completely agree on nothing except torture, comments on Cliff May's argument in favor of "torture lite":
So the test here is whether a prisoner reaches the limit of their ability to endure the pain and suffering imposed upon them. I see no way to understand this except to grasp that the pain and suffering is so severe that it can no longer be endured. This, if Cliff would like to educate himself on the subject, is the definition of torture.....
So Cliff is for torture. He has crossed the Rubicon in a way that will lead to more torture by regimes far more toxic than the United States...
It's evil. All of it. And fatal to the West. It must be investigated
from top to bottom at length with great care; and then the rule of law
must be restored. (emphasis added)
Richard Baer Talks to Bill Maher About Torture on Real Time
Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter Crosses the Aisle to Muted Jeers and a Few Tepid Cheers from the Left
Good Bloggin': What Would Reagan Do (About Waterboarding)?; Torture Then & Now; the Great UK Experiment; Progressive Role Model of the Day; Ross Douthat, & Whither the
GOP's Wretched Excesses?
Four Members of Congress Arrested during Protest re: Darfur
Physician's were a required presence at waterboarding sessions to administer EMERGENCY TRACHEOTOMYS!!!!
This from a Cliff May piece in the National Review (04/23/09):
"Among the released memos is one from then-assistant attorney general Jay Bybee emphasizing that waterboarding “will be stopped if deemed medically necessary to prevent severe mental or physical harm.” Another memo makes clear that supervising physicians were empowered to stop interrogations “if in their professional judgment the detainee may suffer severe physical or mental pain or suffering.” What’s severe? Again, circumstances matter and judgments may differ. Attempting to criminalize such differences is appallingly unethical — not least when done by people who call themselves 'ethicists.'"
Sorry, Cliffy....but if you are engaging in behavior that may result in the performance of an emergency tracheotomy, I reserve the right to call that unethical the extreme.
I may not be a self proclaimed "ethicist", but my Momma did learnt me right from wrong.
Posted by: George Rossi | April 29, 2009 at 09:04 AM
George Rossi, you are so right.
Posted by: damozel | April 29, 2009 at 04:04 PM
He is right, torture must be eradicate in all it's forms.
Posted by: buy viagra | July 15, 2010 at 01:03 PM