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April 04, 2009



That doesn't make it right. Mr Summers should return his "bonus"...


I don't know what you're saying: nowhere in the post do I say that it's "right."

In fact, I say that he deserves scrutiny from here on out. As for the "bonus," I'm unclear about what you're referring to.

Alexandra Cannon

I would hope that a Treasury Sec of the United States would have some financial experience, like being a Wall Street CEO. That is hardly an indictment.

A university president, however, and political man who receives 7 million dollars from organizations that later got a huge government bailout does seem like it is "deserving of a little scrutiny," as you say.


HI Alexandra,

I didn't say that he deserves "a little scrutiny." I said this:

"...certainly, Mr. Summers deserves scrutiny from here on out. "

I think there's a difference.


I actually didn't mean to misquote you, but it doesn't really change the point.

The point is that you were trying to say that Bush's Treas Sect was not scrutinized even though he commited what you seem to think is the awful offense of being CEO for a wall street firm. As if that compares to taking money from groups that, months later, got a sweetheart bailout deal from him (as you admit looks shady and deserves scrutiny). Obviously, it is not at all the same.



No, I did not say that Paulson committed an "awful offense" by having been a CEO. That's something that came from you (or someone else).

What bothered me about Paulson is that he was the chief cheerleader for the $700 BILLION bailout -- which benefited his former company and a bunch of his old friends and corporate allies in other companies.

I'm surprised that your eyebrows haven't raised over that one -- given that they've raised over Summers (as have mine).


Real estate is a legal term (in some jurisdictions, notably in the USA, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia) that encompasses land along with anything permanently affixed to the land, such as buildings, specifically property that is fixed in location. Real estate law is the body of regulations and legal codes which pertain to such matters under a particular jurisdiction. Real estate is often considered synonymous with real property (also sometimes called realty), in contrast with personal property (also sometimes called chattel or personalty under chattel law or personal property law).
Jennifer Luis

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