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« Medical Test Manufacturers to Settle Suit for $302 Million | Main | Still More Abuses by Law Enforcement: this Time in Ohio »

April 19, 2009



The American people as a whole are guilty of these crimes. As one who questioned the humanity of the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo from the first moment I heard the size of their enclosures, and was told that I was a terrorist-sympathizer for doing so; as one who helped in a small way to fund the legal resistance to the criminal regime that did these things, I do not hold myself any less accountable.

Nor have the crimes stopped. On Friday, DemocracyNow reported that "Another Guantanamo Bay prisoner has come forward to back accounts of worsening torture since President Obama took office."

We need to face facts. The United States has become completely corrupt, with no regard for law or constitutionality. Under Bush, it became an outlaw regime. Obama has yet to show that he has the stomach to clean the stable.

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