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April 18, 2009



The current nutjobs in the Israeli government seem intent on enflaming the middle east. The Israeli government has become a vassal to the far right religious extremist in both the Jewish and Evangelical Christian communities.

The Israeli policy of the last several years has served merely to drive the Arab nations away from peace, and create a hard line fascist state in Israel.

Now, in spite of the disastrous results in both Lebanon, Gaza and the West Bank, the hothead wingnuts in the current Israeli government are going to double-down on failure.

Heaven help us all when AIPAC draws the US into the failed Israeli policy.

Brenda Bowers

Those current "nutjobs" have their backs against the wall as you sit safely at your keyboard thousands of miles away and lob labels. When you are casting out barbs from Jerusalem will believe you have the right to judge the right and wrong of Israels actions and never before. For instance: is it right or wrong for Israelis to take the Iranian leaders at their word that they intend to wipe Israel off the face of the earth? A simple yes or no will do as an answer, by the way. BB

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