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« Jon Stewart on the Jane Harman Scandal ("This Conversation Does Not Exist") | Main | Buck Naked Snark: The Spanish Inquisition; the Welfare of Gov. Rick Perry; Arlen Specter, Enabler of the Flailing Caucus of the Batshit Crazy; Creed & The Armies of the Night; a Helpful Hint for Gordon Brown; Bad Euphemisms for Murder »

April 29, 2009



dont forget about (Cuomo v. The Clearing House Association, 08-453)

Ron Russell

Specter leaving the Republican party reminds me of the old days when one would go to the barbershop, not for a headache, but for blood letting by leeches. This is good for the GOP---the party needs such changes in order to give the American people a clearer choice in the next elections. So-called moderates stand for nothing--they simply sit on the fence and wait to see which way the wind is blowing. Give me a radical lefty or extreme right winger any day. Then I know where they are coming from. Cannot stand double-talk from either side.

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