by Deb Cupples | The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports:
"The ballots include many that Franken had identified as wrongly rejected as well as ballots that Coleman wanted opened in his quest to overcome the 225-vote lead that Franken gained after a recount in Minnesota's U.S. Senate race."
Rumor has it that Mr. Coleman will go back to court and appeal. Where are those right wing chanters? Why aren't they advising Mr. Coleman to "Get over it" and "Move on"?
Remember Election 2000? Bush and Gore were less than 700 votes apart, and GOP operatives (dressed in jeans and T-shirts) were screaming and pounding their fists. Bush supporters in the media talked about Gore's challenges as though they were petty pursuits -- despite tons of irregularities in Florida's voting process and pre-voting procedures.
Many Bush supporters made it sound as though they wanted Gore to "move on" and "get over it" and "quit whining" simply as a matter of principle, simply so that Mr. Bush could get down to the business of governing.
I, personally, like the idea of people going to the mat -- exhausting legal remedies. Doing so reduces doubt.
But back in 2000, many Bush supporters seemed philosophically (and brutally) opposed to Mr. Gore's attempts to exhaust legal remedies.
Well, unless they don't mind sporting the label of hypocrisy, it's time for those same chanters to take out their megaphones and give the same advice to Norm Coleman.
Memeorandum has commentary.
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Where is the press on this? Forget the Republicans getting religion. The GOP should be renamed the CDP (Congnitive Dissodance Party). They are empowered by the ignorance of their base to say whatever will mitigate the damaging effects of reality.
Posted by: Howard Mandel | April 01, 2009 at 11:44 AM
Its okay to be for exhausting all legal remedies to assure that the democratic process is followed, but various Republicans have stated that this is about preventing Franken from being seated for as long as possible so as not to give up another vote in Congress to Democrats. In other words, their challenges have the intended purpose of preventing the democratic will being enacted.
Posted by: Linus Bern | April 01, 2009 at 01:39 PM
Hi Howard,
I think that's well put!
Posted by: Deb | April 02, 2009 at 12:02 AM
Hi linus,
I didn't realize that some Rs had PUBLICLY stated that they just don't want Franken seated. Sometimes, they act like they're just not very smart.
Posted by: Deb | April 02, 2009 at 12:04 AM