by Damozel | Okay, he didn't put it quite like that. But golly, what an extended moan! How about Jonah in the whale and Noah in the Ark? What did they do when everything looked so dark?
Apparently when God's self-appointed political warriors don't get their way, their response nowadays is an extended tantrum.n
At first, I thought Dobson had had a Damascene moment because he said, among much else, "now we are absolutely awash in evil." I couldn't agree more. But then TPM said that Dobson meant that the nation -- or perhaps he meant only the Christian Right -- is awash in our evil, i.e., the evil of the liberal and tolerant. As for the causes of "our" decline? Bill Clinton and the internets! (Like most wingnuts who claim to speak for the right-eous, he wants us to forget that W ever happened -- as if his regime really was just one long national nightmare. )
Here's what Dobson actually says about the brave efforts of the religious right to impose their narrow-minded views regarding good and evil and their carved-in-their-own image of God on the rest of us:
[W]e made a lot of progress through the Eighties but then we turned into the Nineties and the internet came along and a new president came along and all of that went away and now we are absolutely awash in evil. And we are right now in the most discouraging period of that long conflict. Humanly speaking, we can say that we have lost all those battles, but God is in control and we are not going to give up now, right? (TPM)
Except, of course, that Dobson is giving up -- because, of course, God is merciful and patient, but also just.
Of course, a brief reality check -- as if wingnuts were ever concerned about reality -- would reveal that the wingnuts did not in fact "always" lose the battle for predominance over the wishes of the majority of Americans. At Pam's House Blend, RadicalRuss points out:
"He's throwing a tantrum, like so many on the far right:," Andrew Sullivan remarks.
The boomers keep fighting the war between the 1960s and the 1980s. What they don't seem to have absorbed is that the younger generations have taken many of the gains of the 1960s - more equality and freedom for women, racial minorities and gays - and integrated them into a mode of living that is neither counter-cultural as such nor old-school. It's a more humane, more inclusive and more small-c conservative culture. For some of it, we can thank those who worried about the dangers of social and sexual excess. And for the rest of it, we can thank those sane liberals who didn't throw the liberty out with the license.
John Amato points out that the battles cited by Dobson brought in lots of lovely lolly (as the Brits say) to keep the Christian Right's power base going.
Especially not true is the notion that no liberals are Christians or that all Christians are conservative -- as I can certainly attest and Amato emphasizes:
Alan Colmes has had long experience trying to fight lunacy with logic. Why doesn't he know that this never, never works?
I love when [Dobson] says “I’m not fear mongering; I’m just trying to be vigilant to defend freedom.”...
Dr. Dobson says, “But God is in control.” Well, if that’s the case, then God wants Obama to be president and to do exactly what he is doing. Now, how do we convince the right that he’s not taking away guns and not forming a fascist dictatorship? Why don’t we just leave it all up to Him?
Uh huh. Why don't we? And by "we," I mean "they."
Relax, folks -- just sit back till the Rapture, until God or Satan or some random minion awakens to kill all the libtards you couldn't save from yourselves. Shouldn't that be the Right view rather than to sit sulking because God saw fit to wither up your gourds?
As Ron Chusid says, it ain't over till it's over. And it don't look like being over any time soon.
Just four years ago the right was able to capitalize on anti-gay marriage initiatives to bring out the religious right and defeat John Kerry. While the trend of history is towards greater liberty, there will always be opponents who desire to impose their will and values upon others.
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