by Teh Nutroots | The Heretik saith, in the manner of the One True Palin: Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition... fortunately for Gonzo & Co. (explained & illustrated).
Welfare state. After a whinging begging letter demanding a share of the stimulus money he opposed giving everyone else, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took one too many teabags and started talking secession. Texas wants to be free -- just not right now. At the moment, the governor's requesting "37,430 courses of anti-viral medicine from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention because of the swine flu outbreak." (Dallas News) Which caused curv3ball at The Poor Man to jeer:
Aristotle said it is only the second worst form of government. Let's just say that TRex is not fully down with the idea of Arlen Specter as a Democratic Senator. "[Your] eleventh hour change of heart in no way obviates all the times over the years where you would, sure, have occasionally lucid moments in the Senate and talk sense against the Bushes or whatever, but then cave in and vote with the Cro Magnon Caucus when it counted the most." And there is more as well, showing that the Senate has become more an assemblage of oligarchs than a Democratic institution.
painting, "The Fight Between Carnival and Lent" by Pieter Breugel the Elder, via Olga's Gallery
Speaking of the Cro Magnon Caucus....John Cole on the meltdown of the GOP:
The only people left in the Republican party are crazier than an outhouse rat and have teabags hanging from their hunting cap. They are the people who feverishly emailed each other stories about Obama’s birth certificate, and who are convinced that joking about Obama’s teleprompter and making impassioned speeches about earmark reform are the only route to electoral recovery. They think Michelle Bachman is on to something and the Colbert Report is truth.
Famine, Pestilence, Death, War, and Creed. TBogg is distressed by the news that Creed is reuniting for the summer.
Worldwide economic depression, massive unemployment, swine flu pandemic, terror planes in the skies of New York, and now this.
Either God is testing us or he is dead.
At least they still have a democracy. Speaking of desperate, Chicken Yoghurt in the UK had some advice for Gordon Brown, so badly humiliated in a fight over Ghurkas:
Accen-tu-ate the False Positive. Blood and Treasure comments on a new euphemism for murder by death squad in Colombia, whose "extrajudicial executions" are known as "false positives." "False positives"? Really?
One of those white coated euphemisms, redolent of detached scientific enquiry. I suppose the people who killed them were simply experimenting with gunfire.
This really needs a verb form. In Latin and South America, death squad victims are commonly ‘disappeared’. In India they are ‘encountered’. In the Philippines under Marcos they were ‘pinpointed’. In Colombia we seem to have a choice. Victims can either be ‘positived’ or ‘falsified’.
Stewart on the Jane Harman Scandal ("This Conversation Does Not
Bybee Defends the OLC's Torture Memos as a "Good Faith Analysis of the
Daily Show Unedited Interview: Cliff May Wants to "Push the
Boundaries" of Torture
Along: "Zombie Banks -- They're Dead but They Just Don't Know It'
Creed reuniting?
Kill me now.
Posted by: Agi | April 30, 2009 at 09:22 AM